Eternity Origins: Pt. 4

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My stress was at it's height. There I was, trapped in a corner by someone who had everything I had. I lost all of my focus, and my sanity left me on the floor. I had never felt this much sweat before. I didn't know what to do.

"Please, master. I'll help you up," she said to me.

I started losing my energy. The more I stressed, the worse I felt. I looked in the clone's eyes that looked like mine, and took her hand. Her hand felt like my hands. Felt like I was holding my hand, but without the control of it. She put strength on her arm, and got me back on my feet.

"See? That wasn't so bad, Eternity," she said to relieve me.

"Who are you?" Slashwhip asked her.

The copy of me turned around, and giggled like I do.

"I'm a just a clone Eternity summoned," she announced.

At that point, I had no idea what my other said. Never did I summon anything before.

"S-Summoned?" I said confused, "I never summoned any clones. How is that possible?"

She turned back to me.

"Just think of splitting in two. If you summon correctly, there'll be as many of me as you want," she said.

She closed her eyes in that smile. Her body began to lose its full color, and went on to fade away. She no longer existed. Me and Slashwhip moved our arms where she was to make sure what we saw was actually happening.

I felt lost. I didn't know what to do. Seeing clones surround me in that nightmare gave me an unsure feeling. And after I got put in a corner by that doppelganger, I didn't know if listening to her advice would be a good idea.

Slashwhip got her sanity back early.

"Could that clone be connected to what that evil doctor did to you?" she asked me.

Slashwhip had that well put. And her idea seemed very true.

"That's a smart idea," I complemented.

"Could you ask a clone?" she asked of me.

"I'll try," I said back.

I closed my eyes. Just think of splitting in two. If you summon correctly, there'll be as many of me as you want, I remembered her saying. I imagined the feeling of being two people. The other feeling seemed to slide away of me, leaving only one feeling left.

I opened my eyes. My copy was back.

"What would you like, master?" she offered.

I felt more calm this time.

"Uh, do you know how I got my ability to clone you?" I asked her.

I hope that she knew.

"Of course," she answered to me.

Finally. I'd finally get some knowledge on what was going on.

"Evil genius, Dr. Eggman, created a prototype of a chemical substance able to copy particles into copies. Unable to contain a living test, he went out, and knocked you out. He placed you into the animation suspension machine, in which he converted into a injection machine_"

The bad memories began to show up...

"_In the process, the flashing caused the prototype to move through your muscles, and brain. To adjust to the injection, your body had to faint twice," she informed.

Slashwhip was right. What a smart cookie.

"Thank you, clone. You're no longer_"

"Wait," she said before I finished speaking, "Eggman will want to look for us."

That stopped my heart.

"He's looking for us?" Slashwhip asked.

"Maybe," she replied.

Right when she was finished, we heard knocks at the door. Just like my nightmare... I looked at Slashwhip nervously.

"D-did you invite someone, Slashwhip?" I asked her in a nervous tone.

She seemed just as nervous.

"N-No," she replied.

I wonder if I could use the clone to check...

"Clone," I called for her.

"Yes, master?"

"Can you check the door?"

"I can," she responded.

I opened the door for my copy as it left, and left it cracked for us to peak. Slashwhip shyly got closer to me.

"Are we going to make it, Eternity?" she asked.

I held her hand, and directed my eyes to her precious sky-blue eyes.

"We'll make it. Just stay close to me. I'll get us out," I promised her.

As nervous as she was, she wanted to smile. Things were too intense to express emotion. We went back to the bedroom door that was cracked open.

We saw my clone go to the door. She pulled open the door with nothing stoping her. It was a robot! She stood still.

"Run, master! Run!" she yelled to us.

The robot flew right into my clone with nothing stoping it. All that was left was a fading away copy of me. I gasped, got up with Slashwhip, and struggled to open the window.

"You can do it, Eternity!" Slashwhip said in panic.

It wouldn't open! I put more strength on it.

"Chemical substance found!" The robot said, as it approached us.

Once I opened the window, the robot bashed through the window.

"JUMP!" I screamed.

Me and Slashwhip took a leap, and landed as it accelerated past us into the road. It lost us.

"Target lost," It said, scanning around for us.

A truck hit it down, and the truck stopped. Cars behind it crashed into the truck, and the drivers honked their horns. We were lucky. But both of us knew that we couldn't stay.

"We've got to hide," I said to Slashwhip.

"Right," she agreed.

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