Elsa: yea! Your right

Merida: and if he don't then he's blind and you will find someone better! Remember your quote!

Elsa: everyone has a someone

Merida: there's my Elsa

They both smiled at each other. They ate and talk. The two girls had a blast until Elsa phone ring. Elsa picked it up and put it on speaker.

"hey baby wanna come with me to party tonight."

Elsa hung up and look at Merida. Merida was laughing her butt off.

Merida: was that Jack. Oh my gosh that was funny!

Elsa: whatever and now he is texting me

Merida: I'll come with you if you want

Elsa: to the party

Merida: sure why not

Elsa: fine

Merida: me and you

Elsa: with Jack

Merida: wait what if you two run off together. I'm not gonna be a third wheel.

Elsa: then invite your man

Merida: he's a party pooper

Elsa: oh come on. We can have a double date

Merida: yea no

Elsa: pleaseeeeeeee unless you wanna third wheel

Merida dial a number

"Hey Hiccup come over to Elsa house now and dress casual"

Merida hung up and look at Elsa and smiled.

Elsa: Jack said he picking us up at 6:30

Merida: well I'm ready

Elsa: you are not wearing that

Merida: why not

Elsa: you come into a party with sweatpants and a t shirt with chocolate stains

Merida: yes why not

Elsa: come on we changing

Elsa dragged Merida upstairs into her closet. The two girls changed and the doorbell rang.

Elsa: what time is it

Merida: 5:30 why

Elsa: go open the door. I'm trying to fit into this dress.

Merida: are you trying to look like a slut

Elsa: no this is cute

Merida: you better change. Please change I see your butt and you got none

Elsa: look who is talking *laughs*

Merida: well I'm not showing it off *laughs*

The doorbell rings again.

Merida: I'll get it but change

Elsa: alright

Merida open the door and see her boyfriend.

Hiccup: hey!

Merida: hello

Hiccup: can I come in

Merida: well it's not my house but go ahead.

Hiccup kissed Merida cheek and walked in.

Merida: ew hiccup slobber

Hiccup: I would of licked you

Merida: whatever

Hiccup: so why am I here

Elsa: because we are partying tonight

Merida: that's a better outfit

Elsa: self Promo

Merida: ladies and gentleman as you can see here, Elsa is wearing nice red black green and I think there is a blue, skirt. It shows her knees. Shows too much skin.

Elsa: it doesn't matter

Merida: whatever and then we have a black crop top. Her hair is down and wavy?

Elsa: it's not wavy

Merida: who is talking? Me. Now she is wearing black shoes and she is done.

Elsa: that wasn't good

Hiccup: I think she did a goodjob

Merida: my cheerleader

Elsa: and Merida is wearing shirt and skinny jeans.

Merida: what it's causal.

Elsa: real simple

The doorbell rung.

Merida: there is your date

Elsa open the door and see Jack. They made eye contact and smiled at each other.

Merida: I feel like a mom who is watching her daughter going to prom

Hiccup: glad I wasn't the only one 

Married to Frost Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon