Ch.36 *They Break*

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately for me, he continued. "All you do half the time is just sit there emotionless and empty!" 

"No, I don't," I mumbled. I blinked away several tears. 

I won't cry. I won't cry. I will not cry. 

"You have no friends, they all just pity you. Your little boyfriend must be insane- how the fuck does he actually like you? I can't believe your mother-" 

I was left staring back in shock. He didn't stutter or stumble his words once.

Part of my wished he didn't actually believe that. Maybe I would have, but not anymore.


"You're not worth it. You're not worth living!" He yelled in anger at me. His hands were shaking.

I took a deep breath during his little speech and gained some confidence.

I closed my eyes for a slight moment before taking a step closer and opening them."You know what? No! Fuck you."

"Stop Ella!" The voice yelled at me. For once it didn't sound like it was outside of my head. It was inside of it. The wasn't the thing on my mind though. 

My focus was on my father and his retaliation. 

The back of his left hand met with the side of my cheek leaving a burning sensation. I stumbled back and clutched at it.

The thick black stainless steel wedding ring hit my cheekbone. I winced at both the pain and the thought that he had no business wearing that. 

I should have seen it coming. This whole thing. I should have known one day he was going to snap and take us all down with him.

Because that's what recovering people do. They break.

"Y-you w-w-will not disrespect me like t-t-t-that."

"You are not to disrespect my mom, my family. Everyone I love!" I yelled back. I was pushing it.

"Get out of my house!" He screamed. I fidgeted with the zipper on my bomber jacket, trying to hold back tears.


I didn't move. Couldn't move.

I saw him moving towards me and trying to take the bag out of my hand. His other hand grabbed my arm with such force that all I could think about how it was going to bruise later.

He tried to yank me forward and out into the hallway.

My body reacted and jerked back, ripping my arm out of his death grip.

I pointed a shaky finger at him, "If you fucking lay a hand on me or anyone else in this family, I'll tell everyone about the whore house."

He jumped back and looked at me with a burning hatred that until now, I didn't think was possible to look at your child like.

Mason came up from the stairs only seconds later after our stare down. His eyes flickered between me and our father. I watched as the fear registered.

"Mase! Listen go call the police-" I called over to him. Fear spread through my voice quicker than a forest fire and the end of my sentence broke off. 

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