Ch.15 *Secret Languages*

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"I'm-- I'm sorry Tyler, I-I didn't mean to..." I met his eyes and butterflies raced in my stomach. I shoved them back down as my hands dropped to my sides again. 

"It's fine." He stood up and shoved his hands into the pockets of his khakis. I tilted my head in a question. Did I say something wrong?

I prayed that I didn't. My breath started to speed up as he walked away slowly. 

Calm down. Ella, calm down!

"Will it matter in 5 minutes? Will it matter in 5 days? Will..." I muttered quietly under my breath, my breath slowing down. I looked up from my wringing fingers to see Ty leaning on the tree nearby with his arms crossed. His eyes flickered away when I met them and he turned the other way. 

No, it won't matter in five minutes. Not if I don't let it. 

So I stood up and slowly walked over to the skate park, watching for the root that tripped me not so long ago. 

I sat down and watched for a while as Ty was off doing his own thing on his phone. After only a few minutes a boy came over and whistled in a cat-call manner. 

"You here alone?" He asked nearing closer. He had brown auburn hair in a small wave, and was holding his beanie in his hand along with the black skateboard. 

"Yeah," I glanced over to Ty who was still on his phone for a split second before turning to face the blue-eyed boy. 

"Vous etes magnifique." he spoke and sat down his board with a smirk. I was flabbergasted. 

"Wh-what did you just say?" I suspected it was French or Latin or something. I was never good with languages, even when I was forced to take Spanish.  He smiled to open his mouth but stopped before he was cut off. 

"He said; You look beautiful." Ty came up behind me, "As always, might I agree." 

I smiled brightly up at him, "We called you foreign exchange student boy, I didn't think you were legitimately french."

Ty nodded and shrugged, "Only conversational, I'm not fluent," he got significantly quieter, "but my dad used to live there, not me. And he said it wrong, probably just google translated it or something." 

"I thought you said you came alone?" The boy raised his eyebrows in a question.

I turned to him, "I was here, alone," I smiled towards him and pointed towards the ground when I said 'here'. 

"Rylan can you leave?" Ty had the nerve to ask. 

"You know each other?" I asked in awe. 

They both nodded. 

"No, I think I want to stay," He turned to me and smiled with slightly crooked teeth. 

"Fine then we are going," Ty grabbed my hand, and mine interlaced with his automatically. I felt my heart race and for a second I wondered if he could hear it. 

"Oh, I see how it is." he put his hands up as if to surrender. "I get it."

Ty nodded and told him, "I'll see you tonight." Football game. We play Center, that's where he probably went. 

Rylan picked up his skateboard and ran off. I wriggled my hand free and turned to him, "A cute boy decided to talk to me and you come in a swoop me out? You don't pay any interest until you feel threatened..." I laughed one sad sarcastic laugh before turning away. 

"That's not true," he reached up to scratch his neck and he bit his lip like he was deciding something. 

Holy hotness. I'm calling the people that deal out those genes. Where was my share when they dished out attractiveness?

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