Ch.25 *I Take It All Back*

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As anti-social as I am, I should really have more time for writing, shouldn't I?

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As anti-social as I am, I should really have more time for writing, shouldn't I?

"Tobin Heath is my one and only love in life." I concluded from my comfy seat on my comfy couch with my comfy pillow. 

It goes without saying that was I was pretty god damn comfy. 

Mason looked up from his game and laughed, "Oh please you said that to Alex Morgan like ten minutes ago when she scored." 

I looked up and scowled, "Okay then Tobin Heath is my second love in life. Second to Alex."

T laughed as we turned our attention back to the Tv. I was really the only one watching the game because it was a friendly match and if I was being honest with myself, my brother's couldn't care less.

My cat, Pig jumped up onto my lap and cuddled into my stomach. I stroked her fur and remembered how I got her in the first place. I wonder if I took her back to Ty's house if she would recognise it. 

I picked up my phone, and pressed his name. He answered with, "You have reached Tyler, the price of this phone call is to say that I'm the hottest person you've ever met." 

I laughed, "You're an idiot you know that?" 

Ty said, "Wrong answer." before the phone beeped and the line went dead. I went to press his name again and before he could ever speak I blurted out what I was supposed to say. 

"See, it wasn't that hard princess." 

I smiled even if he couldn't see me. "Oh we're back to that nickname huh?"

"Of course," He laughed, "Why did you call?"

"Can't a girl call one of her best friends for no reason?" I paused, "Also, I'd like to bring my cat over to your house and tell you how it's haunted." 

"What the fuck?"

"I. Want. To. Bring-" I said slowly pausing with every word. 

"No, I got that. But why?" 

"Pig used to live there." 

"Pig?" He asked and I mumbled a "Mmhm"

Suddenly the soccer game became way more interesting. Some girl on the other team was trying to dribble down the sidelines. Keyword; trying. "No. No no no! YES! Whoo yeah!!!" I screamed at the tv as if they could actually hear me. 

"Anyways... Are you doing that thing?"

See what I meant was school thing. As in we have a getaway next week to some camp. I don't know much about it but I remember T getting to go last year and me fuming because I wanted to. 

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