CH 11: The Visitor

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          It had been a few days now scents Bill had his nightmare and almost two weeks scents he regained his memories. He had decided he needed to tell Dipper the truth, but there was one thing keeping him from doing so. 'Is it bad I hope he never regains his memories so we can keep this relationship?' That, that one thought he herd from Dipper had kept him from telling the truth. Every time Bill would think about telling him the truth that one thought came back to him and he would change the subject. Dipper noticed that there was something bothering him, but every time he brought it up Bill would smile weakly and say that every thing was fine and that he shouldn't worry. But Dipper wasn't convinced, after all Bill had been acting strange for the past few days. 

          Bill was laying on the couch with an arm over his face trying to figure out just how he was going to tell Dipper. He couldn't keep up this charade much longer. A loud banging started coming from the door, absentmindedly Bill got up to answer it. "Good you're awake. Sorry I didn't call I.... Who are you?" Bill just stood there wide eyed at the man in front of him. There standing in the door way was Stanford (Ford) Pines. Bill opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it. Would Ford recognize his voice? "Bill was some one at the door?" Dipper asked as he walked into the room stopping when he saw his uncle in the doorway. "Dipper who is this?" Ford asked. "Um this is umm Bill my uhhh boy...friend." Dipper said nervously. Ford looked between the two, Bill let out a nervous laugh. Ford's eyes seemed to widen with realization after that. "Grate uncle Ford you had something you wanted to talk to me about right? Let's go talk about it then somewhere more privet." Dipper said quickly, grabbing Ford by the arm and leading him to his office and away from Bill. Bill, curious fallowed them and put his ear to the door listening in on them. 

          Once Dipper and Ford were in the room Dipper closed the door and turned to his uncle. "Is that Bill Cipher?! What is he doing here?! How is he here?!" Ford said almost shouting. "I found him a few months ago out in the forest." Dipper said. "And you let him in to your house?! And you said he was your boyfriend, you're dating Bill Cipher?!" Ford asked in disbelief. "No of course not, I just saw an opportunity and took it." Dipper said. "What do you mean?" " Bill has amnesia. He doesn't remember that he's a demon or that he has powers. Think about it, if I can find some sort of weakness of his it may work onto the creatures from his dimension." "So you don't have feelings for him?" Ford asked crossing his arms. "No. This is all just part of the plan. Why would I have feelings for a monster like him?" Dipper said. 

          Bill stepped away from the door, he had heard enough. Dipper was just using him. And to think he had actually began to have feelings for the human. Bill clenched his fists as the door opened. "Bill?" Dipper said. "How long were you standing there?" "Long enough." Bill said his eyes glowing red. Before Dipper or Ford had time to react Bill had Dipper pined to the wall by his neck. "You really thought you could deceive me the great Bill Cipher? Kid I have been playing this game long before you were born." Bill said angrily. "But your amnesia." Dipper choked out. "Oh I got over that weeks ago Pinetree." Bill said summoning a knife in his free hand. "Bill let my nephew go. Now!" Ford said aiming his gun at Bill. "You stay out if this." Bill said summoning blue ropes that wrapped around Ford pulling him to a kneeling position. "Now then," Bill said turning back towards Dipper. But instead of the scared Dipper in front of him he saw the tear stained face of the Dipper in his dream chained to the wall with cuts and bruises all over him. "No" Bill gasped backing away shaking and dropping the knife. "No no no" he watched as Dipper collapsed on the ground holding his neck. He had almost killed his pinetree, just like in his... . He had to get out of here, now. "Pinetree I ...I'm sorry." Bill ran out the door and into the woods with tears in his eyes. 

          Bill ran through the forest away from Dipper's house. Tears were threatening to spill down his face, he had messed up big time. Not only had he ruined his chances with Dipper by reveling he regained his memories, but he tried to kill him. He couldn't even go back to his dimension it would be to suspicious, everyone would ask why he didn't get his revenge like he had planned. He couldn't say it was because he had fallen in love with the human he was trying to destroy, he would be mocked and labeled as an outcast, a traitor. And like he said before, humans and demons don't mix no matter how much he wanted it to. It was too much, Bill collapsed by a tree and let his tears spill as he buried his head in his hands. Dipper was probably out looking for him with Ford planing on killing him. He had lost everything and there was nothing he could do about it.

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