Ch 10: A Dream?

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An: warning slight violence. I think.

Bill sat up from his desk and looked around. He was in his study back in the fearamid, his desk was covered in papers detailing a plan of some sort. After looking over them he saw it was his revenge plan for the Pines, he also noticed that he was in his human form with a long yellow tail coat and black vest. What was going on? Bill garbed the book he got the transformation spell from and began to look though it to see if there were any side affects. It talked about malformed limbs, health problems, slight memory loss, and a variety of others. He closed the book and returned it to the shelf where it came from. Leaving his study Bill walked down the halls of his fearamid. That dream had been so livid, if he didn't know better he would have thought that it had all been real. But that was impossible, a demon falling in love with a human was ridiculous, right?

Bill found himself in front of a large metal door that led to his dungeon, he could here some thing from in side. Funny he didn't remember having any one in there, maybe he did have side affects after all. Shrugging his solders the demon walked in. Chained to the wall with there hands above there head was a young brunet male. His hair was rated and down in his face, he looked thin and had cuts and bruise all over his bare chest and arms. The male didn't acknowledge Bill's arrival at all and just kept his head down. "Hey kid look at this. Like my new form? "Bill said holding out his arms and giving a little spin. "It's for this new plan I have in the works. "There was no response from the male, he just kept his head down. Bill scowled, "Hey I'm talking to you!" Bill summoned a whip hitting the boy across the chest with it causing him to jump and whimper in pain. "Good your still alive. Maybe if your still alive when I succeed you can have a cellmate, you could even meet his family if all goes well." "I hope you fail and never come back you monster." The boy said in a hose voice head still down and spiting at Bill's feet. Bill whipped the boy again. "Careful what you do kid I could kill you right now, your rotting corps would do good in scaring the kid when I get him down here." "Then do it, you obviously don't need me around any more." The brunet said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "You know what I will." Bill said summoning a knife in his hand, stabbing the male in the stomach.

The brunet's head shot up as he gasped. The anger Bill felt disappeared when he saw the male's face. The brown eyes that were staring back at him, were Dipper's. "Pine... tree?" Bill said in disbelief. The chains on Dipper's wrists vanished causing him to fall. Bill caught him and carefully laid him down in his lap. No no no this wasn't happening. "I really was just a toy, you didn't care about me at all." Dipper said tears burning his eyes. "No that's not true Pine tree." Bill said tears threatening to spill down his face. "I can fix this, I'll make you better and get you some food, we can even get you your own room. "Bill began using his magic to try and heal the wound. "None of it meant any thing, you were just using me." Dipper said now crying. "Pine tree you aren't listening to me." Bill noticed his magic was not working on the wound it was just getting worse. " You....never loved" Dipper said closing his eyes. "No no I did love you, I still do. If I had known it was you... please pine tree I'm sorry." There was no response. "Pine tree?" Bill said shaking him. "NO Pine tree, pine tree!" Bill poured all his magic into that spell trying to heal Dipper. "Please Pine tree wake up. Pine tree, Pine tree, Dipper please." Tears fell uncontrollably down Bill's face and he didn't try to stop them.

"This is what you wanted right? Hes dead, you have gotten your revenge." A voice said. "No. No I don't want this." Bill said still trying to heal Dipper. "But why? Is this not the plan you concocted, and the reason you gave your self a human form? Was it not to get close to the boy and cause him the same pain he caused you? "The voice asked. "I don't care about that any more, just bring him back please." Bill begged. "Well it seams that no longer matters Cipher you already succeeded in killing the boy. " The voice said. Bill sobbed holing Dipper's body. "Dipper I'm sorry please come back. Please, I need you." All around him Bill could hear his name being chanted as if he had just won some big prize. "Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill Bill Bill Bill."

"Bill....Bill...Bill wake up." Bill's eyes shot open as he shot up from the bed and looked around. "Hey Bill are you ok? You were whimpering and saying my name in your sleep. "Dipper said concerned. Bill just looked at Dipper not beveling what he saw. Slowly he reached his hand up and lightly stroked the brunet's cheek. "You're alive." Bill breathed as new tears started falling. Bill latched on to Dipper burring his head in to his chest and sobbing. "What? Yes I'm still alive. What are you talking about?" Dipper asked wrapping his arms around Bill. "I..I had a nightmare." Bill said still crying. "Shhhhh it's ok." Dipper said rubbing Bill's back trying to calm him down. After Bill calmed down the two laid back down to go back to sleep, Bill snuggled closer to Dipper reaching up to kiss him. "I love you I really mean it Pine tree." "I know you do, and I love you to." Dipper said kissing him back before going back to sleep. "I was right I'm not falling for him, because I already have." Bill thought.

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