CH 8: Memories

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          The two got in to the car to head in to town. Bill was bouncing with experiment in the passenger seat a large grin on his face. Dipper turned the car on and began down the road to the store. Bill practicality had his face plastered to the window the whole drive, he seemed so interested in the sites out side his window. When they arrived Dipper parked the car close to the front. "Ok Bill here we are." Dipper said getting out of the car. The two made there way into the store, there wasn't to many people there considering what time it was. Dipper made sure to leave late so that there would be less crowded. He didn't want any unnecessary attention that could possibly expose Bill. Bill stayed next to Dipper for the majority of the trip only going ahead to get some items when Dipper asked, or staying with the cart when Dipper went to grab something. When they went to checkout Bill helped bag the items while Dipper paid. the drive home was the same as the way there with Bill still interested in everything outside. After they arrived home they began to put things away, "hey Bill can you get the rest from the car?" Dipper asked. "Ok sure,"Bill said. 

          As he was carrying the last bit in and idea popped in his head, Bill smirked as he put the bags down and hid behind the couch."Bill are you coming back?" Dipper asked when his boyfriend was taking to long. Dipper walked into the living room and saw the bags by the couch. "What are... Gaaah!" Bill jumped on top of Dipper tackling him to the ground." Ha ha the great Bill Cipher has has captured Dipper Pines." Bill said."Biiilll get off" Dipper said pushing him off. "Ahg!"Bill hollered as his head collided with the side of the couch. "Oh my gosh are you OK?" Dipper asked sitting up. "Yes I think so. Ow." Bill replied holding the back of his head. "Are you sure?" Dipper said his voice lased with concern. "Yea,"Bill said standing up and checking his hand. "Let's go put the rest of the groceries away." But as they continued to work Bill began to see flashes of images, things that seemed so familiar yet he couldn't put his finger on it. 

          Suddenly he was in a forest, but everything was in a gray scale and a boy was in front of him. "You're insane!" The boy yelled as he seemed to drop something. "Sure I am, whats your point?" Wait was that him, did he say that? "Bill you gonna just stand there or are going to help me?" Dipper asked."What? Oh yea coming." Bill said walking in the kitchen. "That was weird." Bill thought. Suddenly Bill found himself in a strange place that was all blue surrounded by equations and what seemed to be blue prints for a machine. There was some one next to him to, but he couldn't make out what he was saying. Then he was in some sort of building or just outside of it. Inside he saw ten people in a circle all looking up at him with fear in there eyes. "Ho ho ho, this is just to perfect, didn't you brainiacts know that the zodiac doesn't work if you all don't hold hands?" Zodiac? What was he talking about, is it that circle o the ground they were standing on? 

          "Bill, Bill!" Dipper said snapping his fingers in front of Bill's face."Huh?" Bill turned to see Dipper looking at him with more concern. "What?" Bill said confused. "You just spaced out for a full two minuets. You know what I don't care what you say, you're not fine. I'm taking you to bed." Dipper said taking Bill's hand and leading him to there room. "Piiiiine treeee I'm fine." He whined. "No you're not." Dipper said sitting Bill on the bed. "Damm it I hope he doesn't have a concussion." Dipper thought as he checked the back of Bill's head. "What did you say."Bill asked. "I didn't say anything." Dipper said. "But you just said...." "Lay down. I'll finish up in the kitchen then come back later, ok. I don't want you getting any more hurt."Dipper said. Bill snuggled up in the blanket trying to figure out what it was he just saw. Had thous been his memories? But that didn't make sens none of them did, and what was with that circle? Every time he tried to picture it he could only get pieces of it, it bugged him because it seemed important. By the time Dipper came back Bill still hadn't figured it out but was getting there. He didn't know why a picture was so important. A triangle with one eye with a bow tie and top hat surrounded by a question mark, a bag of ice, lama, a stitched hart, a six fingered hand, glasses, a claw of some kind, a star, a shooting star, and finally a pine tree. 

          Then it him, that was his wheel, suddenly thousands of images flashed in front of his eyes. Bill groaned holding his head as he tried to sort throw all there turning memories. He was Bill Cipher the greatest dream demon and he created this human form to kill Dipper Pines. And look who was laying helpless right next to him. With a simple wave of his hand blue chains wrapped around Dipper's wrists. This was too easy with just a snap of his fingers the chains would tighten waking Dipper. Oh the look on his face when he sees his boyfriend... ... .That was right they were a couple. Memories of the past two months came back, Bill's hand lowered he couldn't kill his boyfriend. But Dipper caused him to loose weirdmageddon he was going to get revenge, but he's his boyfriend he can't, but he has to, but he can't. Bill was at war with himself in his mind, and every time he looked at Dipper it got worse. Bill got out of bed, he needed to get out of the house and get his thought strait. There where so many memories coming back he couldn't get his thoughts together. He walked out in to the forest, hopefully there he could calm down and figure out what to do. 

An: I'm so so sorry for the slow update. I never meant to wait this long to update on a chapter ever. Work  kind took over my life for a bit, I was going to post this last week but then the power went out witch caused the wifi router to get messed up and that couldn't be fixed till two days later and so now hear it is the new chapter. I will post a new chapter at the end of this week. Hopefully DX 

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