Chapter 39 Winner Stands Alone

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Chapter 39

Winner Stands Alone

"Winner Stands Alone"

So truly said by Paul Coelho as again I stand alone being the star player of the country, internally at top position, my dream had come true.

But I am standing alone in my house, alone and lonely....

What does she think of herself, she is going to reject me again?

I swear I would never talk to her ever.

Sometimes I am even forced to think if she really loved me?

Did she ever have any feelings for me?

All the wedding thing was fake, she never intended to marry me, all was a part of her revenge to get through Mark and his friends.

But the thing is though I grieved over my brother's death, I still couldn't hate Shyna for doing this to him.

It was equally shocking for me to learn that he was not my sibling but step brother, my parents never let me realise.

There were times when my mom preferred him over me and I did feel jealous about it too.

They had been through really tough times when they realised what Mark had done to an innocent young girl through Denver himself who got really scared on the day when the place they'd taken Shyna for sale was intruded by cops.

Though they managed to run away but Denver had learnt a lesson which Mark and Weasley failed to till the end of their lives.

Mom and Dad tried to help Mark, even took him for rehab and therapy sessions but the doctors said what he's been through at the age of three when he was with his mom had affected his brains a lot, the extent of which could never be calculated.

So I guess we all have certain darklines in our life, the challenge is to find love beneath them.

My father has now liberalized in terms of his expectations from me, too shocked by what Mark's revelations that he chose to go for easy and quick money to prove his worth to him.

So he was easy to me, most of Mark's assets we also forfeited by the cops they all being illegal.

One thing that Mark did and I'd respect him for that was he kept your family away from what he did. So cops only came to interrogate with us giving a clean chit to my dad that he had no involvement in any illegal business that Mark was into.

Shyna too being 'Angel was a shock.

Infact that girl never ceases to surprise me!

I wouldn't have believed but the way she admitted I knew that it was true. I can always pick her truth.

I do not even judge her for being an 'Angel though the way she killed was brutal because I was aware of what she had been through, it might have been worst since Denver went to her house immediately after Mark and Weasley's funeral ready to take his piece of punishment. I do not know nor do I desire to know the way Shyna punished him, I just couldn't.

Elina the lady officer closed the 'Angel's case differently mentioning in the reports that Angel was a male and died accidentally while the entire operation 'operation redumption' was going on to arrest the Boss.

Though I did not meet Shyna after the event but I was constantly in touch with Elina to make sure she was safe.

Elina on the other hand was like a family. Initially I was shocked to see her at my brother's funeral but later when she was broken at the cremation ceremony she disclosed that she loved Mark and had been his girlfriend since three years.

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