Chapter 19 You Are Beautiful

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Chapter 19

You Are Beautiful

Her hands were cold, face pale; the feisty and self dependent Shyna was lost somewhere in her deep darklines.

I saw her standing at the entrance, not waiting for me but kind of spell bound: evil spell and her hands were shivering.

For a moment I felt sorry for bringing her here but then I wanted to get her here, I wanted to help her out of her darklines. And also it was only because of her that I was selected; her meditation techniques.

But what if I was wrong and if this attempt of mine still pushes her deep into the hollow of darkness?

NO!!!! I won't let that happen. I stretched my hand and held her cold shivering one in mine. She flinched for a second, then she looked at me and I nodded a short nod giving 'I am there' looks. I could feel the pace of her heart beats returning back to normal and her shivers diminished. I smiled at her and she simply stared back. I pressed her hand softly and she relaxed instantly.

I knew this was a big step, a major improvement in her. Earlier if I'd tried to hold her hands, she would rather kick my ass but now she stood steady matching my steps as we entered Miron's house for our celebration party.

As soon as I gave my existence, Jack rushed towards me staring wide eyedly between me and Shyna.

"Uuuuugggll....ummm. you.. Oh !!! Hi!!! I am Jack" he introduced himself.

Shyna tightened her grip on my hand and greeted him back with a "Hi!"

"Shyna. This is Jack my best friend." I introduced them.

Jack then hugged me and congratulated me for the selection asking for an excuse as someone was waiting for him whom I knew would be his date for night but not before whispering in my ears that he wanted an explanation.

I smiled at his inquisitiveness and immediately composed myself not to give any wrong signs to Shyna. She was my responsibility since I forced her here.

Soon I was surrounded by swarm of girls begging for my attention. I greeted them very politely asking them to excuse me. I did get Shyna introduced to first few to which Shyna earned scrunching looks not bothered by her presence as if she was no competition to them where in I felt the reverse was equally true a fact. Then I lost the track of introduction when they suddenly outnumbered.

Cassie all of sudden barged into the crowd and pulled me with her. I did not realize when I missed the grip of Shyna's hand.

Maybe the bimbos and their cold reaction made her distant all of a sudden. I made a mental note of finishing off with Cassie and soon joining Shyna. As it is there was hardly anything between us to be talked. I considered her a friend though I did think of proposing her earlier but she always wanted more. Neither did she hide her intentions. Only thing was she went overboard with her last attempt.

"Cassie I have a friend" I insisted but still she took me to a corner, never leaving my gaze.

Her eyes now brimming with tears and guilt crossed her edged face as she said "Please Dave, this one time. I am so sorry. I promise I don't want anything just stay as my friend. Please I do not want to loose our friendship."

She turned around wiping the tiny drop of tear and then coming back to me back with a smile, polished as she is, she really balances well I complimented her, not aloud but in my mind.

"Okay" I agreed.

"Okay what?" she asked confused.

I simply shrugged "Okay I meant let's be friends"

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