Untitled (@Katerika12)

168 14 1

We find disappointment in ourselves like long lost toys behind dressers

In school we find ourselves physically present but mentally absent

Depression at an all time high happiness at an all time low

Stress is the reason why we drop out dropping out of windows is our answer

We are killing ourselves over numbers

We go to school do something equivalent to our best but yet it still isn't enough

How come what I see good in my head doesn't meet your marks

We pretend to not be phased by every low grade

But slowly it tears us down brick by brick until we have nothing left shielding our motivation

After school we are left with fractions of ourselves

We will never be whole again

We are told to to aim high to achieve greatness but how can we even do our best when we have don't even have motivation to live

We are asked by teachers to reflect on what we did

What are we most proud of ,nothing

What we could have did better, everything

What if our doing better is not waking up that morning of

Or hurting ourselves because you know inside that your best will never measure up

We are told that grades don't make you but they sure do break you

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