Chapter Forty-Seven: Starry Nights

Start from the beginning

     Tell her the truth! Mini-me chanted. I wanna meet my technical wife too!!!!

     Don't make it weird!  I scolded the kid and cringed at the thought of a little kid being married to an adult woman. Mini-me only laughed.

    "Well, lets just say I have a very busy head," I mumbled.

    "That's a first," She admitted and my blush deepened. "But seriously, why do you always talk to yourself? You know you could come to me right?

    "I know, but I kinda have to talk to them because we're stuck together," I said and shut my mouth instantly, she was looking at me weird now with her brows furrowed.

    "Natsu, whose them?" She said warningly. Tell her the truth! Mini-me chanted again, serious this time. I groaned and began telling her the story of how I came to be trapped with two other souls in a common body, but to start that off, I had to explain my relationship to Zeref and Larcade with her. She looked very interested, excited even, and I felt my heart hum happily. By the time I finished she was looking into my eyes as if she could easily see Crocus and Natsu.

    "That explains a few things. You said your brother has black eyes and I began thinking like crazy ever since Nashi and Taiyo were born where their black eyes came from, and now I understand. Zeref... is their uncle, and Larcade their cousin.... But what does that make your two other souls? Are you telling me that I'm married to three different men? That our children technically have three dads?" She said and I laughed sheepishly.

    "It's kinda- okay, that's an understatement, REALLY complicated. And no, we're one and the same," I admitted and her eyes began shining like stars.

    "That just gave me a new book idea! Since nobody believes that its real, I could write a story about you and get it published! No no, it will be about our kids but at the same time it won't be! Imagine, two kids, brother and sister, destined to save the world from the clutches of an unholy demon! One has the magic of dark matter and the other has rainbow fire, and they-" She stopped and looked at me worriedly, I knew what she was thinking and clutched her hand silently. She looked at the leaves and sighed. "But, Nashi and Taiyo already know what their father is now, who you are. Nashi threw a big fit and Taiyo began cursing you, but to make matters worse, how would they react if they knew their uncle was the infamous dark mage Zeref? They would be so mad and would probably hate me, too. I don't want them to grow up in spite of their parents because of their history. And what about-"

     I placed my forehead on hers and she shut up immediately. I patted her back and pulled her close to me so that we could watch the stars together, I smiled down at her and said in my most reassuring voice, "They won't hate us. They will be mad after knowing their parents history, but sooner or later they wouldn't care much for it. Just like I did. I mean sure, knowing you were a murderous demon who was related by blood to the most evil mage on earth is a bit of a shocker, but look at me now. I'm still me. And all of me still loves all of you guys. You, Happy, and the kids especially."

      When she didn't say anything, I wrapped my pinky around hers. "I pink-promise, swear on my life, and hope to die, that we will all live through this and celebrate Nashi's birthday together." Tears sparkled at the corners of her eyes and she wrapped her arms around me in a crushing embrace (much to my aching back's displeasure), but I didn't say anything as she began sobbing into my shirt.

     I stroked her hair and looked up at the moon. "You know, Nashi has always liked coloring and painting, so I was thinking about getting her a watercolor paint set to start off on. Let her have her fun. She likes splitting her birthday with Taiyo, too, and he always does that for her, so maybe I'll wrap her present in some astronomy paper. She might like that. But above all, she likes mermaids, so I'll get her a Little Mermaid themed cake. What do you think, Luce?" She only nodded in my shirt and began mumbling more suggestions, but I wasn't listening anymore as I saw a dark speck appear on the horizon. I transformed my eyes and used my new demon-enhanced vision to notice that Acnologia was in dragon form and approaching the island with around fifty or more soldiers on his back. I recognized Gajeel instantly among them. Acnologia landed on the ground and shook his soldiers off before vanishing into the woods just northwest of here while his followers began charging into the mainland- towards us.

    "Shiiittttt!" I snarled and Lucy jumped I surprise, looking at me with confusion.

    "What's wrong, Natsu?" She asked as I stood up.

    "Acnologia's here! Lucy, go wake up the others!" I shouted and picked her up bridal style before she could retort, I jumped off the tree and placed her on the ground. I gave her a quick kiss before running after the scarlet-haired mages. 

     Lucy yelled after me, "Natsu! Where are you going?!"

    "Eileen and Erza went that way, Luce, I have to go protect them!" I yelled over my shoulder to her.

    "Be safe, Natsu! Don't you dare forget your promise!" As I began running deeper into the forest, I thought I heard Lucy say "I love you" before leaving earshot. I wanted to say "I love you, too" but I knew I couldn't, not now.

    "HOLD ON ERZA, EILEEN! I'M COMING!" I yelled into the night.

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