That First Drizzle Though

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If you have ever seen a Magic Trick or Fallen in Love,
then you are not new to "Illusions".
These deceptive little performances help us truly understand how easy it is for even the most observative of minds to be tricked.

There's a concept, a thought,
Illusions don't want to be observed
they want to be noticed.
I never quite understood what that meant.

Coming back to reality,
after weeks into the Hot and Warm Summer, the skies were soon overtaken by clouds and winds blowing strong, yet not a single drop of rain was spotted.
That didn't stop anybody from waiting for it.

Today, she called me up and we sat together making a few memories,  we barely have a handful. So we sat and talked while it drizzled, finally.

I would usually observe rain,
not giving it much thought unless I'm under some Tin Shed Roof but today, I noticed the rain for the first time while in the city.
Turns out,
Even the rain wants to be noticed when memories are being made.

Well Here's the catch-

With each passing moment I slowly realized, I was the illusion, I was the Rain,
as I constantly tried again and again, to be noticed not just Observed.

Perhaps none of these analogies even matter, its all in my head trying to justify how normal I am, how in tune I am with Magic and Nature.

But hey,

that memory with her, the one that makes me say to myself, " that first drizzle though"- I shall cherish it till the nights become dawns and till the days become nights.

And I think I noticed how I'm no longer confined to just wanting to be noticed.

For I think I learned, Observers can be -


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