Im actually talking about puke right now

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Age: Gerard-17 frank-16
Era: revenge!gee blackparade!frank
Warnings: none
Synopsis: frank loves Gerard and is finally ready to tell him
Type: fluff
POV: frank

Gerard has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, we do everything together and I can't imagine a world without him.
It sounds like I'm talking about someone I love more than a best friend doesn't it? Well that's because he's both, he just doesn't know it, yet
I plan to tell him today, it'll be magical, I hope


"Hey Gee, you ready?"

"Yeah, one sec, I'm trying to find my jacket" he replies

"Gee you don't need a jacket it's warm out" it was 23 degrees (Celsius)

"It's better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it Frankie dear" Gerard replied in a motherly voice (idfk)

"Okay mother, just hurry up" I replied giggling

"Okay I'm ready, can you tell me where we're going now?" Gerard asked walking down his stairs

"Nope, it's a surprise" I replied taking his hand and leading him out to my car

He groaned but got in anyway


We had to drive about 10 minutes to get where I wanted to go, it was a lovely Forrest that I knew gee would love, I decorated it to look all tumblr with fairy lights and a blanket and picnic, I can't wait till I see his face when he sees it

"Okay we're here" I said parking my car and unbuckling mine and Gerard's seat belts

"In the Forrest?" Gerard asked


"You're not gonna murder me, right?" He asked jokingly

"We'll see" I replied looking at him with my best evil impression

He giggled that heavenly giggle while I looked at him in admiration

"What?" He asked, I must've been starring

"Nothing, you're just... you're really pretty gee" I replied looking down

I looked up at Gerard who was smiling at me and blushing

"Thanks Frankie" he replied leaning in to kiss my cheek

I smiled but didn't reply, I just took his hand in mine and led him to where I had everything set up

We got to the place so I stopped and waited for Gerard's reaction

"Oh my god, this is beautiful. Did you do this Frankie?" He asked

"Yeah I wanted to make this moment beautiful and special so you would always remember it" I replied leading him to the blanket to sit

"Wait what?" He asked confused

"I have something to tell you gee, I dunno how you're gonna react but hopefully it'll be well, I wanna say it before we eat because I'm really fucking nervous and you know when you eat and feel nervous and then get nauseous and I don't wanna throw up everywhere- I'm actually talking about puke right now that is disgusting and really ruins the moment, fuck. I'm sorry gee, what I'm trying to say is, I love you and I have for a while now, you're fucking beautiful and an amazing person, you cheer me up when I need it and I hope I do the same to you, you're so funny and made me laugh every time I thought I'd never smile, when my mum left you were there, when everything in my life seemed to be fucking up you were there and you never left me even though I was a cunt sometimes and thought I didn't want anyone. So I guess that's it really, I love you gee" I finished my rambling out of breath and looking down at my twiddling fingers in my lap, scared to look up

Gerard took my hands from my lap, making me look up at him. Before I could really look at him to see what his facial expression was I was being pulled into a kiss, an amazing first kiss with and even more amazing person who I love more than anything

Gerard pulled away after a while and leaned his forehead against mine, I inhaling every breath I exhaled, me doing the same to him

"Fuck Frankie" Gerard said, breaking the silence but not moving his forehead from mine "I love you too, I love you so much that words can't describe it and I'm so glad you told me because fuck knows when I'd have to balls to tell you"

I silently laughed at the last bit and leant forward to kiss him again

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