Chapter -16

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Aniket checked the time, it was 7 a.m., he saw Maayera, she was sleeping like a baby on the bed...She looked like a water lily gleaming in the lake.

He felt he was suddenly becoming
per​snick​e​ty her every detail...

He called out for servants three or four times but nobody was in the mansion...

He decided to cook both of them, he went straight to the kitchen.

He went to the kitchen garden and picked some fresh tomatoes from the vine and a big pumpkin and scooped out some cheddar cheese from the refrigerator.

Maayera got awake from her sudden cluttering noises downstairs...She checked the time, it was 11 a.m. and the sun was shining through the window pane inside the room...

She arranged herself and tried searching for her suitcase, she thought to herself, "I guess my suitcase is all left behind in the car outside." So she looked here and there and found Aniket's t-shirt, she angrily pouted her face and donned his t-shirt.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up and then started moving downstairs towards the kitchen ...She was about to say something but she felt stoner after watching a handsome shouldered tall man cutting vegetables precisely into square blocks with sleeves up till his elbow, a coffee brown apron was tied around his waist..

His strong long fingers with the most gorgeous hands, it was enthralling to watch him tossing the small fry pan loaded with herbs and vegetables and it was too seductive to watch his fingers slicing and chopping the cheese and vegetables...

He was so busy with his work that he was completely unaware of Maayera's presence.

He poured the delicate pasta on two plates and with squashed potatoes and pumpkin mash with cheddar on top of it...He spritzed olive oil all over the pasta with some cherry tomatoes shallowly tossed on one side of plates and then he arranged some lovely fresh lilies into the pot at the side table. It was dreamy for Maayera to see a perfect man in front of him who knew how to please her lady...

He suddenly noticed her glancing at him spellbinding...He walked towards her held her hands and said, "I am sorry for my last night's behaviour, it was like I could not digest those bad words for you..," Please forgive me..." He pleaded.

He offered her chair requested her to sit and started serving her like a playful little kid who desperately wanted to show her new drawing to his audiences.

Maayera filled a small bite in her fork and put up her mouth and it was like, "Viola!!" It was mesmerizingly deliciously awesome...

"How's it ?? ", He asked curiously.

"It's really good," she said almost licking every bite.

She broke the silence again and said in a soft tone as possible she could," Aniket !! I wanted to ask you something, Actually not as in ask, but I want your support and a little trust for some time please don't get angry, but I want your friendly support".

Aniket finished every bite and listened to him patiently and then said, "OK !! But whatever you do and want, you have to put that up to my knowledge before doing anything. And that is final..."

"OK Boss !! " She giggled like a kid and landed a sudden kiss on his cheeks, it was sudden for him how easy it was to please that adorable pretty lady with innocent giggles with zero attitude and arrogance despite all the harsh behaviour he did with her last night. He was filled with more guilt inside...

To be Contd.

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Credit: Saxena Avni

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