disabled (angst)

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The stadium was dead silent, no one dared utter a word for what had happened right in front of them. Yuuri Katsuki was about to land a quad when he over turned causing his back to land on the ice with great force, causing the ice to slightly crack. But unfortunately this time Yuuri was unable to get up .

"YUURI" a voice echoed throughout the entire stadium. The only voice that was heard from the dead silence of the crowd.

Victor quickly ran to the ice not caring if he slipped several times due to his panicked state. His voice broke the dead silence, and while everyone just stared all Yuuri could do was lie still feeling numb. Even his hearing was somewhat messed up as he looked up at a panicked victor who was now kneeling beside him. "Yuuri are you okay????" victor asked as he gently grabbed yuuri's back so lay him down onto his knees for better support. Yuuri looked up at victor when he began to take in the situation." Vitya.....i......i can't feel my legs.." Yuuri started to panic which was not good considering that his head was also bleeding from the impact on the ice. Soon the paramedics came to get him. Victor just stood there before he followed them to the ambulance. Skaters, judges, and spectators just stood there watching the whole situation. Worried expressions plastered on their faces. The competition was then postponed until further notice of Yuuri's condition.

~ 2 months later~

It was all over the news the day it happened. After Yuuri missed a jump and missed his landing causing him to land on his back it effected his spine. The damage was too severe and he was no longer able to move his legs. Yuuri is supposed to be discharged today but he still has continue his rehab in hopes that he may be able to move his legs again.

"Yuuri ah~ time to go home. Don't worry since I'm your coach I convinced your family that I should be the one to take care of you for the rest of your rehab. Isn't that great? we get to spend so much time together~" Victor said with his cheery heart smile as he pushed the wheelchair with Yuuri out the hospital and into his car.In reality Victor tried to hide his immense pain in hopes that it would cheer up Yuuri. Ever since the surgery Yuuri was just so depressed and he thought that if he was his cheery self instead of his worried self then it would reflect positively on Yuuri. 

Nobody really knew what happened to the two of them when the ambulance took them away to the hospital that day but all they knew was that Victor must've been a complete mess. In Victor's case it was all true. When they arrived at the hospital Victor wanted to be by Yuuri's side no matter what but he was soon dismissed when they brought him to surgery. All Victor could do was stand in silence as Yuuri's words replayed over and over again in his head I can't feel my legs. In his mind and heart Victor hoped that the damage was only minor and Yuuri could walk out of here with his arms around him and on their way to win the gold medal together. Even though these were his thoughts some part of him knew that an even darker path awaits them. Friends and family then rushed into the emergency room and sat beside Victor trying to comfort him as he impatiently waits for news about Yuuri. 

After about 3 hours into surgery the doctor came out and told them about the damage to Yuuri's spine. There was a 45% chance that Yuuri would be able to walk again, but the doctor told them not to be too hopeful. He told them Yuuri would need to stay in the hospital for 2 months and would need rehab for another 14 months. With that the doctor left and everyone began to hope for the best. Although they all knew the dark reality...... Yuuri could no longer compete.

Now Victor has to take care of Yuuri with all he's got. Within the past two months Yuuri was not at all in his best behaviour since it was still effecting him.

"Victor i need to go to the bathroom." Yuuri said as they got in the house. 

"Coming." Victor said as he placed his keys on the counter along with their stuff. He then pushed Yuuri neared to the bathroom and locked the wheelchair in place so it doesn't move when he helps him off it. 

"And...up we go." said Victor as he wrapped his arm around Yuuri and they slowly went inside the bathroom. 

This was one of the things that bothered Yuuri the most. He hated the fact that he can't even go to the bathroom without troubling everyone around him. During the times in the hospital he just felt so depressed and numb, not just in his legs but also his head. He refused to accept that this was now his faith. A cripple. A useless piece of dead weight who can no longer do anything on his own. Now he has to trouble his coach with his uselessness which depressed him even more. How was he supposed to live like this knowing that the man that he loves has to walk on eggshells around him? how can continue on like this? just how?

this is going to have 3 parts so here's part 1

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