Warped Tour: San Francisco - You Make Me Sick

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Alright, 1) This chapter might not make sense when it comes to Jimmy and Arin meeting, so it's kind of pointless to the whole "Baby" thing,  but you'll see why it's needed in the upcoming chapters. 2) We all know Isabella is pregnant as fuck lol, but I want to know what you guys think the sex of the baby is ?  Leave your guess in the comments :D By the way, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but I want to finish this in third person POV because it seems much easier to me! 

Be sure to comment and vote <3  

Soon after their fight, Austin and Isabella were forced to go their separate ways, with nothing settled. Isabella headed back home to Huntington Beach, and Austin headed to San Francisco with Warped Tour where he hoped his girlfriend would second-guess her once confident decision. However, Isabella's mind was set; She was not going to tell Brian the child was his, and there was no way she was going to change her mind; No matter what any one said.

The House of Blues was at full capacity; 1,100 screaming and anxious fans waiting to see the heavy metal band In This Moment perform at their very first sold out show in Los Angeles. Backstage, the narrow hallways were fogged with cigarette smoke and flooded with stage crew members rushing back and fourth to set the stage, while dodging large cases of equipment. Eager VIP holders stood outside the door of the infamous Maria Brink, in hopes to get a quick picture with the blonde-bombshell, before she wowed the audience with her beauty and strong, raspy voice. 

A few doors down, in the private lounge, Isabella kept an aspiring twenty-four year old drummer company, upon Jimmy's request.

James' excuse for privately meeting the young man, Arin Ilejay, was simply because he felt like giving back to the drumming community by giving pointers to a lucky, gifted up and coming musician. Although it was secretly more than that, Jimmy would never honestly disclose his true reasons to why he wanted to meet Arin. He chose to let time do the honors. 

A mutual friend referred the young man to Jimmy, and after seeing a few videos of the drummer, Jimmy knew Arin had talent and longed to help him improve in a few areas. It was Jimmy's request that he, Matt, Zachary, Brian and Johnny meet with Arin at The House of Blues. He felt the only ideal place than to meet was at the venue, where the atmosphere that surrounded them was full of harmony and manic serenity. Out of the experience, Jimmy anticipated Arin to latch on to the ideas and tactics he planned on teaching him, and use them to better himself in the future.

Time would soon show how much Arin would need them. 

Isabella sat on the armrest of a velvet red couch, letting her leg dangle off and swing back and fourth-- the heel of her boot hitting the edge of the couch-- as she stared at the olive-toned young man sitting in the chair adjacent to her.

She could not help but notice how bashful and nervous he appeared to be; Their first encounter said it all.

He introduced himself as Arin, but rather than making eye contact as one should always do, he looked away, as though one look at Isabella would turn him to stone.  And since that moment, Arin kept his gaze on the ground, not even looking up once to check the miniature grandfather clock on the wall. He held an etched look on his face that cried out with pain, "This is so fucking awkward."  

And Isabella couldn't agree more. 

But as luck would have it, a familiar voice echoed down the halls, followed by a heart warming laugh; Jimmy and Matt's. Their voices would forever be known as those who saved the most awkward scenario that ever played out in the private lounge. 

With Arms Wide Open (An Austin Carlile Love Story ft. Avenged Sevenfold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora