Betwixt A & B

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I totally forgot to update hahah. 

Here you go:) 

The whole time in the shower, I couldn't help but think of the possibilities. I had assumed it was just a missed period; no big deal. It'll come next month. 

But I usually still get cramps and fatigue even if I miss a period. It was bizarre that I wasn't. I was too busy with photo shoots and Austin to even bother keeping track of my cycle. I was in great denial. 

I just won't say anything until I take a test to make sure, I thought to myself.

But once I stepped into the living room and saw Matt sitting there watching television, it began to taunt me. He won't be very happy once he finds out; if there is anything to find out of course. 

"Let's go." I said, picking my bag up and heading out the door. 

He cleared his throat in which I turned around, "Aren't you going to lock the door or turn the lights off?" 

I nodded, "Right." I didn't know where my mind was. I was thinking way too much, it was making my nauseated. "Let's go." I repeated after I turned the lights off and locked my door. 

The drive was awkward in my eyes. I felt so paranoid around Matt. I didn't know what to say and everything around me seemed to shout, "YOU ARE PREGNANT." 

"Are you showing?" My brother asked pulling me out of my thoughts. 

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. How'd he find out? Was I speaking aloud? "What did you just say?" 

"For the shoot, are you showing your... You know... Thighs." He said descreatly. He'd always been the type to respect a girl, specially my sister Amy and I. 

"Oh." I said breathing a sigh of relief, "I don't think so. Are you going to the studio with the guys after?" 

He nodded, "Yeah. Working on the Call of Duty song. It's going prett-"

"Good. I'm gonna need to take the car to Jalissa's house, we've got a date today." Date my ass. I needed to go buy a test and cry to my best friend of ten years about my dilemma, if there was one. 

"Yeah sure. I'll catch a ride with Zacky... Can I ask you something?" He took his eyes off the road for a second, giving me a blank look, "Do you like this Austin guy? Like, legitimately like him? Because if I may?" 

"Continue on." 

He cleared his throat, "I just don't feel he's okay for you. He's a rockstar. Look at us; we're complete fuck ups. We've gone through so much shit. It's a fucking miracle I'm faithful to Valary." 

"But you're married... Matt, look, I'm learning okay? I'm not marrying the guy. And if one day I decide to take things further than friends, promise me you'll support me?" My voice lingered into a questionable tone. 

He didn't respond, instead stood quiet probably thinking about the answer. "I can't promise anything. But you're my little sister. Just please, don't take things far, Bells. I'm trusting you." 

"Trust is a valuable thing Matt." I informed him in which he smacked my arm playfully. 

After the shoot, I jumped into the car and drove to the pharmacy, getting two pregnancy tests. It was the most scariest feeling. I felt so alone. I wanted Austin next to me. No, wait. I needed Austin next to me saying everything is going to be okay. 

"Coming!" My best friend said as I knocked hard and quick on her apartment door. I was already on the verge of tears. "Hey boo." She welcomed me in. I didn't respond. I stood quiet and took a seat on her couch. I already knew she could tell something was wrong. "Uh-oh... What's going on?" 

"I think I'm pregnant." I bluntly said, throwing the pharmacy bag on the seat beside me. 

Her face went pale; she was shocked. "Liar." She spoke above a whisper. "Don't fuck with me like this!" 

"I'm not fucking with anyone, Jalis! I haven't gotten my period and yesterday was the worst day ever. I was sick!" 

"Didn't you say Matt was si-"

"Jalissa! Listen to me! I'm in as much denial as you are okay? I was starving in the morning. I wanted to eat everything in my fridge! But you know why I didn't? Because I got sick two seconds later. Something isn't right with my body.. I brought tests." 

She glanced between the bag and my stomach which didn't even have a bump yet. "Are you going to...? You know?" She tilted her head to the side, gesturing towards the tests. 

I shrugged, "There's only one way of finding out, right? I can't do this alone." 

"Did you want to call Austin over? I mean he would be the father. I don't mind him here. It's better if he is here so he can go throw this with you." 

Suddenly, my heart fell to my gut. I had just then remembered that Austin wasn't the only one I was with... "Shit." I said dropping my head into the palm of my hands. 

"What?" She questioned. "Isabella, what?" 

A ball formed in my throat and my eyes started to leak tears of regret and fear. "I'm so stupid." 

She narrowed in her perfectly shaped eyebrows, "Bella, no you're not! This happens to everyone at some point. Pregnan-"

"It's not about being pregnant or not! I..." I paused thinking of a good way to put this, but nothing came to me. It was brutal. "I had sex with Austin..." 

"And...? I know, remember? You told me at the Warped kick off party." 

"The next day or two days later, I don't know, I had sex with Brian too. I think it was two days. Shit. I forget!" 

"What the fuck?!" She shouted, standing up infront of me. "Isabella are you trying to tell me that you are not sure whose baby, if there is one, it is? I thought you used protection?" 

I mocked her movements and stood up, "It all happened so quickly! I  thought Austin pulled out! Same thing for Brian! He pulled out before... I think." I bit on my lip. 

She let out a grunt, and face palmed herself, "You think? You know what? I can't deal with so many surprises. Let's take the tests first. If you're pregnant, we're taking you to the doctor and having you checked out." 

"But what if I am?" 

"Then you are and we get a DNA test before any of the guys know! Now hurry up and take a test!" She threw the bag in my hands and pushed me all the way to the restroom. 

As the door shut, my palms began to sweat. I took one look at the box of tests and started to freak. 

I can't do this, I told myself. 

But I did...

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