Another Surprise

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Isabella's POV

"Dude, I'm so excited. The baby shower is almost here." Matt said popping a few popcorn pellets into his mouth as we stood in the kitchen, making dinner for Valary. "It's literally next weekend but Val bought the wrong things for the centerpieces." 

"So go buy the right ones." I bluntly said, mixing the brown rice over the stove. The heat in the kitchen made it feel like I was in a sauna. It was horrible and it really made me crazy and angry. 

Matt's jaw dropped, as he let a few popcorn pellets fall on the counter. "Well, aren't we a little moody today?" 

"I'm not." I denied. "I'm just tired. I had a long week. I just want to get this dinner done with so I can go to work." 

"What time does work start?" He asked, acting slightly interested, which he never is. 

"I think at seven." I stopped mixing the rice as soon as the doorbell rang. "Finally! She's here." 

I quickly sprinted to the door and wrapped my fingers around the door knob, cracking the door open only to see Brian and Jimmy. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Brian. "Hi Jimmy." 

"Hey baby girl." He said, giving me a warm hug. "You look extra beautiful tonight. Where are you headed?" 

"I'm going to work after. Matt's in the kitchen preparing dinner." 

Before Brian had a chance to greet me, I walked away, following Jimmy into the kitchen. I felt his hand grab my wrist and spin me around as soon as Jimmy was out of sight. "What the fuck?" He whispered once I was facing him. "Why are you acting like this?" 

"Like what?" I asked pretending to be clueless. 

"Like a brat. I'm sorry I said I can't be there for you or the baby. But c'mon Isabella, I'm married to Michelle. It's a sin to cheat. It's an even bigger sin to have a baby with another woman." He loudly whispered using a firm tone. "You have to understand my point of view too." 

I jerked my hand away from his, continuing to hate him and make my way back into the kitchen.

I didn't care to speak to Brian anymore. In every way he had a point. I understood it was sin to cheat on Michelle. And I completely understood that he can't have a baby with another woman, but it was a two way street. I opened my legs and he thought with his smaller head. 

Jimmy shot his sweet, heart warming smile at me, "Isabella, you're glowing." He commented. I felt all eyes on me as he spoke those words.

"It's a new lotion." I said, disguising the truth with a lie. "Anyways, what are you two doing here?" 

"I wanted to know if you two wanted to come with us to the mall. But it seems you're really busy with your lives, so I'll take it as a no." Jimmy sat where I was sitting, gently pulling me between his legs. "Dude you smell really good. Something is definitely different about you." 

Brian looked at me, leaning against the counter. I raised my eyebrows and folded my lips, "Nope. I'm the same ol' Isabella you saw grow up." I said popping the 'p'. I cleared my throat, peeling myself away from Jimmy's arms, "Matt, are we done here? I'd like to get to work now." 

"Yeah, but can I ask a question?" 

I nodded,  swinging my cardigan over my shoulders, "Sure." 

"Why aren't you and Gates talking?" 

Brian and I exchanged a look that proved we had some sort of drama going on between us. "Who's Gates?" I sarcastically asked. 

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