Somebody that I used to know

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   "You son of a bitch!" I heard, and all heads turned towards the fire, where Minho had pushed Thomas to the ground, and Brenda was trying to drag him away. "Why? Why did you shucking do it? Huh? Answer me you dumb shank!" He screamed again and kicked Thomas in the ribs.
   "Minho! Stop it you dumb stick!" I yelled and threw my empty bowl to the side. I stood up to walk over to Minho when Harriet grabbed my shoulder.
   "Sonya, it's not worth it. Let's just leave them alone." She said, pleading in her eyes.
   "I need to know what's wrong." I said, and continued towards the fire.
   "Minho! Chill man! I'm sorry okay? He begged me to!" This was from Thomas, a crying heap on the ground.
   "Begging my ass! You did that yourself!" Minho screamed, and lunged towards him but I managed to slap his cheek before he made contact.
   "What the hell are you doing?" I screamed, "Beating up your own best friend? Minho this is NOT how we do things!"
    "I don't care how we do things! This shuckface killed Newt!" He screamed, his face turning a deep red, before he stormed off, clearly sobbing. No. He's lying. Why would he kill Newt?
   "Sonya..." Thomas had gotten up to talk.
   "He's lying, right? You didn't do that." I said, each word like a wooden block falling from my mouth, hard and heavy.
   "I'm so sorry." He said, and put a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly, a deep surge of rage quickly replaced sadness and I slapped his hand away, teeth gritted.
   "You are not sorry! If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it! If you were sorry, you would have never told anyone! If you were sorry, Newt would still be alive!" I screamed so loud that Thomas took a step back. Then, I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I stormed off, not daring to let a single tear fall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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