Chapter 5 • Crumpled Paper

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February 8, 2017, Wednesday

Marinette's POV

I was walking, with a bright smile on my face, to school. Im finally going to be early! I thought

Just as I thought that, something pulled me up towards a rooftop. He covered my mouth so that I cant say anything. Im confused to whats going on and tried to escape the grip. When we were at the rooftop, he let me go. I finally got a clear view of him and...

"C-Chat Noir!! Why did you do that to me?!" I screamed to him.

"Hey hey, calm down purrincess. Or should I say, M'lady" He bowed

"Y-your lady?! Im not your lady! Ladybug is!" I said

"Exactly. And your ladybug." He said

I sighed "Ladybug is strong, helpful, courageous, beautiful and nice. While I am clumsy, dependent sometimes, and scared at times. Im nothing like her" I sat down in the rooftop

He sat down beside me.

"Ladybug is you. With or without the mask. I can see it now. Everything amazing about ladybug is in you too!" He said

"Tell me the truth"

"But that is the truth! I love you even if you are 'clumsy'. As what you call youself" He said

I looked at him, confused. "Right... Anyways, how did you find out my identity?"

"Photoshop. And some hints" He answered

I giggled then stood up. "I better get going now or else I'm going to be late" I said

"Ill take you there" He grabbed my waist

"Im good. Anyways, you don't want to be late too" I said

"Oh purrlease. We go in the same school. I could just go hide somewhere and de-transform when we arrive"

"Y-you go to the same school with me?" I asked

"Yep. 100% You just need to connect the dots if you wanna know my identity. Lets go!" He said and off we go from rooftops to rooftops.

When we arrived, he put me down and did a salute, saying that he will go now. I waved goodbye to him and he left. I smiled then turned around.

"MARINETTE! H-How!?" Alya screamed in front of my face

"Calm down. Geez. So... You know me being late everyday." I said and Alya nodded "Well, Uhh, Chat Noir decided to give me a ride to school for a change" I shrugged

"How was the ride? Was it fun? Scary? Ohh! And how did he passed by you? Do you think he goes to the same school as us?"

"Uhh. The ride was... fun I guess. He, I guess saw me while he was at the rooftops. And for the last question, probably not" I answered.

"You're one lucky girl Marinette" Alya says

"Ohh you don't know how much good luck I have" I muttered

"What?" Alya asked

"Nothing" I replied "Lets get to class!" I dragged her towards the classroom.

We sat down in our seats and waitted for the teacher. While waitting, I was drawing designs for mine and Alya's dress for the dance.

"Nice designs, Marinette! Which one will you be wearing to the dance?" She ask

"I was planning to wear this one" I pointed at the sketch on the left "And this one for you!" I pointed the one on the right

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