Chapter 5, The Woods

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Jeff's POV •~•~•~•

"This is the backyard." I motioned to the backyard with my arms. I showed Ben the gardens and the one tree with the swing.
Ben hasn't said much,he seemed more self concerned. Really introvert like.
I didn't like it.

"Yo Ben Boy are you alright?" I ask. We were sitting under the one tree.
He nodded and stared at the large metal old fashioned fence.
"What's that for?" He asked.
"The fence? Thats to keep intruders out. You know,humans,police, family members, Zalgo followers, the bad stuff." I told him. I layed on the tree for support. And put my hands behind my head letting out a puff of hair.

"Aren't. . .aren't we the bad ones? You know,by killing and stuff." Ben spoke in such a soft tone it almost made my nonexistent heart break.

"No we are not the bad ones,it's not our fault the world is cruel and unforgiving. What's one person off the face of the earth anyway? Plus we dont just kill. We liberate. Once their dead they don't have to face their horror of life. Not to mention lot's of people need to be liberated." I stopped before going on. "You understand ?"
He stared at me for a moment."Yes."

We stared at the metal fence for a minute oShorty

"That's behind those bars?" He asked
"The most dangerous place on earth, the Slenderwoods."

"Are we allowed to go there?" He turned to face me. His face full of hope.
I grinned. "Just got here to leave eh?"
He looked surprised,"what no not at-"
I chuckled,"I'm messing with you Shorty,but seriously don't bother trying to go there. You'll die unless you have Slendermans permission to go. "

He stared at the fence again and layed closer beside.

"When Slenderman said study your lines, what did he mean?" He asked yet another question.

"Jesus Christ man,you ask a lot of questions. But by line,he means Proxy Pledge. It's an oath we must take that binds us together. Were bind to slendy too. Everyone with a partner has taken it." I explained the best I could.

"Thats really cool." Ben edmited.

"Plus Slendy will send us after the ceremony to our first official mission."


"Slendy usually assigns us targets to kill. He'll give us the address and we kill whoever is inside without mercy. Pretty simple actually." I shrugged and relaxed my shoulders.

Ben was so interested in all of it it made my heart swell. Even though if he was young he did know his stuff. He was a great listener, probably something to do with those big ears of his.
This is the first time I've actually had a full calm conversation that wasn't about knives and kills.

"I see you like knives,what's your favorite way to kill?" He asked.

I smiled wider. "Oh that's when I stab their heart. I like to see them squirm and bleed out."

He smiled, which made me smile back.

Then he frowned and asked,"What happened with your lips?"

On insinc I touched my lips. I shivered remembering the night I cut my face to make me smile force.

"I happened." I told him hoesntly.

"Oh." Was all he managed to say.

"I . . . I kinda like it." Ben blushed from his ears.

I felt myself get warm. Nobody ever said they liked my smile,they usually say its disturbing and unnatural. I wanted to bitch smack them all saying all of us are unnatural.

"Its getting dark." Ben said after an awkward silence. "Already?" I asked and looked at the sunset. "OK let's go back inside. I can't believe it took a whole day to show you the mansion. And I haven't even showed you all of it."

"Its fine Jeff." Ben said,then yawned. "Show me tomorrow, right now I need sleep.Sleep comes first always."

I laughed at his adorableness and nodded. "Yah,let's go. I'll also teach you the Proxy Pledge, so you won't look like an idiot."

Ben was halfway to the door,but he turned back and smiled.

Sorry it's short,
Xoxox Meli

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