"Oh, Mom, I just remembered; I have to get my necklace and show it to Aquaman." Elena smiled.

Elena's mother's eyes widened, she was just about to ask something, but it was too late. Her daughter was already upstairs. Elena came into her bedroom and clicked open a jewelry box given to her and took out the clam necklace. Elena soon put it on and then rushed downstairs. Aquaman was in his secret identity as Arthur Curry and made it appear as he was paying a friendly visit to the family, though Elena knew the truth now.

"Okay, here it is." Elena came out with her clam necklace.

"I would like you to open it now." Arthur smiled.

"Open it?" Elena asked.

"Yes, please..." Arthur encouraged. "Go ahead."

Elena smiled, then gently opened the necklace. Once she opened the clam part of her necklace, she saw a bubble show where Aquaman lived and was even playing a song.

"Whoa..." Elena's eyes glowed as she looked with the underwater superhero.

"You also have the ability to breath underwater." Arthur smiled.

"I do?" Elena asked.

"I was going to wait until you were older, but I think now would be a good time to tell you," Arthur said to her. "However, you will know for sure once you're old enough when the time is right and I will let you know when that will come."

"Okay." Elena smiled.

"Hello, Arthur," Elena's mother smiled before smirking playfully. "Or should I call you Aquaman?"

"Hello, Henrietta." Arthur smirked back.

"Elena, meet your uncle." Henrietta introduced.

"Uncle?" Elena replied. "I thought my uncle's name was Arthur."

"Yes, that is his name, but he's also known as Aquaman." Henrietta said.

"Oh?" Elena replied.

"I'm a superhero, dear, I need a secret identity." Arthur chuckled.

"Oh..." Elena giggled in understanding then. "That makes sense... I really missed you, I always had dreams I would see you again... I really missed you when we moved away to here in Hawaii when I was little."

"I know, I've been watching over you." Arthur said.

"You... You have?" Elena asked.

"You two should sit down and catch up." Henrietta suggested.

The two agreed and sat down on the couch so Arthur could tell Elena what he needed to tell her.

"You ever hear of 'Aquagirl'?" Arthur asked the blonde pigtailed girl.

"Yes." Elena nodded.

"What if I told you when you get older, you will become the next one?" Arthur asked.

Elena's eyes widened. "Wh-What...?"

"That's right." Arthur said.

"Me...?" Elena asked.

"Yes, my dear," Arthur confirmed. "There's a reason why you love the ocean so much, that's why your parents moved you here in Hawaii."

"Cool, so then, where's Aqualad?" Elena asked.

"You'll meet him soon, but he's at home now," Arthur chuckled. "The girls just love him."

"Even Arella's daughter does." Henrietta giggled herself.

"Is he as handsome as he is in the comic books?" Elena smiled.

"You could say that, that's what the ladies all say." Arthur chuckled.

"I can't wait to meet him." Elena sighed dreamily.

Henrietta and Arthur chuckled while Elena blushed sheepishly.

Arthur then took out a photo of Aqualad. "Here he is."

"He's even more handsome and masculine than I imagined." Elena smiled dreamily.

Henrietta giggled to her daughter.

"I'll see you in my dreams,..." Elena told the photograph of Aqualad.

"Well, maybe you'll see him tomorrow; he doesn't have anything scheduled." Arthur said.

"That sounds great, Uncle Arthur, or should I call you 'Uncle Aquaman'?" Elena replied.

"Whichever you like." Arthur smiled.

"I think I'll stick with Uncle Arthur, I've known 'him' longer." Elena smiled back.

"I agree." Arthur smiled.

"It suits you better." Henrietta agreed.

"Thanks, Henri." Arthur replied.

Elena couldn't believe this was happening and wondered what would come next.

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