chapter 5

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Before they all knew it, the time to visit Hawaii would be very soon and it would be a favorite holiday of a certain one of them.

"Halloween... Halloween, Halloween..." Cherry said quietly before exploding. "HALLOWEEN!!!"

"Whoa! Cherry, you really seem to love this time of the year, don't ya?" Patch asked.

Cherry zipped all around the house to put up decorations.

"That's a yes." Mo said.

"Cherry, if you love Halloween, you are really going to love the experiment that's going to be activated." Atticus said.

Cherry then came right over to him as she was dressed like Vanellope from Sugar Rush. "What's that?"

"Experiment 300," Atticus looked at his computer. "Apparently he can turn into your worst fear."

"Ooh, so scared..." Cherry mocked. "I fear nothing and no one."

"Oh, really?" Drell smirked. "What about Drell?"

"I am not afraid of Drell..." Cherry said.

Drell then appeared, but used a quiet poof so Cherry wouldn't hear him and crept up behind Cherry slowly and quietly with a crazed look on his face.

"Oh, really?" Atticus smirked.

"Yeah!" Cherry glared. "I could take him with one hand behind my back."

Drell was inches behind Cherry's ear. "BOO!"

Cherry screamed and jumped up to the ceiling.

"You were saying?" Atticus smirked.

"I-I-I don't like it when people sneak up behind me..." Cherry shivered as she latched onto the ceiling.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Drell smirked.

"So, I guess we're going to Hawaii now?" Darla then asked.

"Yep, but we'll need to go in costumes." Atticus said.

"I'm already dressed." Cherry stuck her tongue out.

Drell took out his wand. "Pick your poison."

"Pick your poison?" Patch asked.

"It's an expression," Drell groaned. "Just tell me what you wanna be and I'll transform you."

"I'd like to be Hercules even if I do always dress like him every Halloween." Atticus said.

"Of course you would..." Drell rolled his eyes.

"I'd like to be a Planeteer, but in my own style." Mo decided.

"Nice one," Drell admitted. "You wanna be Pegasus, Patch?"

"You know it." Patch smiled.

"What about you , Darla?" Drell asked the youngest one in the room.

"Hmm..." Darla hummed thoughtfully. "Princess Serenity."

Drell nodded. "Okay, ready?"

"Ready." Atticus, Mo, Patch, and Darla smiled.

Dtell nodded and mumbled out a spell before throwing his wand's magic at them. After a flash of bright light, the four of them were in their costumes. Atticus as Hercules, Patch as Pegasus, Mo as a Planeteer, and Darla as Princess Serenity.

"Ah, too bad Hilda and I can't join you," Drell wiped his eye. "Halloween is our favorite holiday."

"Why can't you join us?" Patch asked.

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