chapter 10

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Lilo, Yuki, Teresa, and Elena seemed to be standing by a skate ramp with an older boy on his board who seemed to be the apple of their eyes as they seemed to be fan girls and crushed on the older boy.

"Hello." Mo said.

The girls seemed distracted however.

"He's coming this way!" Lilo gushed, then tried to keep her cool and smiled as the older boy came over after skating. "Hey! Oh, man, you are a skateboard genius!"

"Yeah!" Yuki smiled.

"Thanks, girls," the boy smiled, then glanced to Stitch as he seemed to get into his backpack. "Uh, what's Lilo's dog doing?"

"Oh, he's just curious." Lilo smiled.

"Hmm..." Stitch hummed as he wore the sunglasses from the bag and then threw other stuff out until he found a shoe and ate it.

"Hey, my shoe!" The boy gasped.

"He only eats the left ones." Lilo said with a dreamy look on her face.

Stitch then took out a container with a purr and ate it instantly.

"Aw, my macadamia nuts." the boy groaned.

"Could I try your skateboard? Thanks!" Lilo took his board right away.

"Lilo, do you even know how to use a skateboard?" Darla asked.

"Darla?" Yuki, Teresa, and Elena seemed to notice their friend.

The older boy then gave his helmet to Lilo since she seemed so insistent on skateboarding.

"Atticus, you go and find the new experiment while I'll try and keep Lilo from getting hurt." Darla said.

"I'll come with you." Patch offered.

"Only if you want to." Atticus said as he then left to find the experiment with Mo and Cherry.

"So, um, hello..." Darla looked up to the older boy.

"Hey there." the older boy nodded to her.

"Who are you? I didn't see you here on any of my visits here." Darla said.

Lilo and her friends looked as if they had just noticed Darla was there.

"Darla, when did you get here?" Elena asked.

Darla bore a deadpan expression.

"My name's Keoni." the older boy informed.

"Nice to meet you, Keoni," Darla said before looking at Lilo and the girls. "And I just arrived."

"Ohh..." Lilo and the others replied.

Keoni shook hands with Darla. "I don't think I've seen you before."

"Likewise, I come here all the time." Darla replied.

"What parts of the island have you been to?" Keoni asked.

"I mostly come to visit Lilo," Darla said. "I don't think I've seen you around before."

"I live with my mom, but I mostly visit my dad," Keoni explained. "I usually come out here to practice my skateboarding."

"And I was just about to show Keoni I could do it too." Lilo slightly slanted her eyes at Keoni giving Darla his attention.

Darla saw the look Lilo had in her eyes and smirked playfully.

"Do you board?" Keoni asked Darla.

"Oh, I don't think I'm very good," Darla chuckled sheepishly. "But I think Lilo might want to show you how good she is on the board."

"Can Lilo even skateboard?" Teresa asked Yuki and Elena who merely shrugged in response.

"Sure I can." Lilo said.

The others looked rather doubtful of that while Lilo decided to show Keoni what she could do. And where she didn't do so great.

"Crazy fail, are you okay?" Keoni came to Lilo as she fell.

Stitch helped Lilo up.

"Skateboarding is stupid." Lilo grumbled in humiliation.

"I'm sure that it just takes practice." Mo said.

"She's right," Keoni agreed. "No pain no gain. You can't expect to learn it all in one try."

"I tried twice!" Lilo glared.

"This time, I'll teach you how to stop." Keoni suggested.

"I know how to stop, I'm stopping skateboarding," Lilo took off the helmet and shoved it in the older boy's hands. "Come on, guys."

"Oh, brother," Mo sighed. "I hope Atticus has found the new experiment."

"Here you go." Stitch handed Keoni his bag back and barfed up his left shoe, disliking the taste.

Keoni glanced at Stitch strangely and he then seemed to be walking backwards for some reason.

"If Keoni had a better skateboard, I wouldn't have fell." Lilo said defensively.

"Lilo, these things just take practice," Yuki said. "I wanna be a hockey player when I grow up, but I have to practice."

"Is it just me or is Stitch walking backwards?" Darla asked.

"Are you okay?" Lilo asked her pet.

Stitch did not answer as he kept walking backwards.

"Stitch, why are you walking backwards?" Lilo asked.

Stitch then walked right through a mail box and kept on walking backwards.

"Something's up," Mo said. "I think we need to take him to Jumba to see what's wrong with him."

"But first, some coffee." Lilo suggested since that was Stitch's favorite beverage.

"But doesn't coffee make him go crazy?" Mo asked.

"I'll get him one of the easier ones, besides, this'll sooth him." Lilo replied.

"Alright." Darla said.

Lilo gave a mostly foamy coffee to Stitch and let him have it. Stitch took it and said he felt better, but he backed up against the cafe, still walking backwards and crashed into it. There was a tourist couple who looked rather beat up and anxious.

"Whoa! What happened to you two?" Yuki asked.

"You look like my doll Scrump after she got run over." Lilo added in.

"We were attacked by the hiking trail by some hideous purple pig with four arms." the woman said.

"I'm a vice president..." the man said in a daze.

"Is he okay?" Mo asked.

"Did you hear that, guys?" Lilo smiled in excitement. "A purple pig with four arms!"

"Cousin!" Stitch smiled as he stormed forwards, but then fell in the hole he made in the staircase.

"No, no, no, Stitch you are in condition to fight this one; let Atticus handle it while we go to Jumba and find out what's wrong with you." Mo said.

They then went to Lilo's house to settle this once and for all.

"Ah, yes," Jumba smiled once he did research on his latest experiment's activation. "601 very trouble... Is big bully. Sole purpose is to pick fights, will defeat anyone, except maybe 626 or Atticus."

"So, what's wrong with Stitch?" Mo asked.

Stitch muttered as he stood on the ceiling before crashing down and falling.

"Good question..." Jumba sounded unsure.

"Atticus can handle experiment 601 while we figure out what's going on with Stitch." Darla said.

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