"Yeah, remember." Patch added.

The others grumbled slightly as they were stuck.

"If you keep fighting, you'll get nothing done," Patch scolded. "Even my brothers and sisters and I put our differences aside so we could escape Cruella deVil."

"Really?" Cherry asked.

"Oh, yes," Patch replied. "Especially when we got covered in soot."

"That was so you could pretend to be Labradors, right?" Atticus tried to remember.

"Precisely, Dad came up with it, but it was after Lucky and I fought about who pushed who into the soot." Patch replied.

"Exactly who did push who into the soot?" Darla asked.

"Lucky pushed me." Patch glared slightly.

"And let me guess; if he was here, he would have said that you did it, right?" Atticus chuckled.

"He's always blaming me..." Patch pouted.

"Aw, poor Patch..." Darla patted the dalmatian puppy on the head.

"Wait, what do you mean always blaming you?" Atticus asked.

"He just was..." Patch pouted. "He thinks he's so lucky because that's his name..."

"That and lucky things seem to happen to him from time-to-time, right?" Darla asked.

"You just don't understand..." Patch sighed.

"Anyway, the mutt says to stop fighting, so stop fighting." Cherry said.

"That goes for all of you." Atticus said to Cherry, Darla, Lilo, Stitch, Pleakley, and Jumba.

"Yeah!" Cherry said.

"You too, Cherry." Mo said.

"Me?" Cherry pointed to herself. "What did I--"

"Fighting with Darla..." Atticus reminded.

"Oh, I was just teasing the little tyke!" Cherry smiled innocently.

Everyone looked unimpressed with her.

"Oh, come on..." Cherry groaned. "I'm unfortunate enough as it is... I--"

Patch bit her on her backside.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Cherry gave in.

"That's what I thought." Patch said.

"Make him let go?" Cherry begged Atticus with painful tears in her eyes.

"Okay, Patch, let her go." Atticus said.

Patch then let go.

"Ow, ow, ow..." Cherry groaned in pain.

"Now, let's work together." Patch said.

"Oh, all right..." the others gave in.

The experiments then came together which seemed to worry Jumba.

"Okay, so how are we going to capture them?" Mo asked.

Before anything else could be said or done, Gantu appeared and captured both experiments instantly.

"We could've gotten 'em, Big Dummy, they're ours!" Lilo glared. "Now go away!"

"So sorry," Gantu smirked. "I don't see your name on any of them, which means I win! As Earth folks say 'aloyha'!"

"It's 'Aloha'!" Darla glared.

"I guess this mean's the bet's off?" Pleakley asked.

Suddenly, Stitch broke them all out of the sticky mess with his extra arms.

Darla's Adventures of Lilo and StitchWhere stories live. Discover now