Chapter 1

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All Characters other than Amber belong to the wonderful J.K Rowling



** Amber p.o.v***

I slowly walked down to breakfast. God I hate Mondays, on the bright side I was back at Hogwarts. Not that summer was bad but spending two months in house that had both James and Sirius in it could get a little bit annoying. But no matter how much they annoyed me I still loved them.

Well James I loved, but Sirius I don't know. I know I have had feelings for him for a long time but he never saw me as anything other than James's twin, and his best friend (that was a girl). I sighed, why are these feelings so complicated!!!

"Well I don't know but talking about them would help." replied the person behind me. I didn't even need turn around I knew that voice all too well. "Talk to you about feelings, please. Sirius the day I take relationship advice from you, will be the day I want end any chance I have at a relationship." I replied while rolling my eyes, Sirius was one of the only people who had seen my sassy side; you see in class I am really quiet, but when I am with my friends I go through a complete personality change.

"Earth to Amber, I have been talking to you for the past five minutes are you even listening to me." "OMG I am so sorry I was just thinking of something." I said slightly embarrassed "are you thinking of something or someone??? Huh" teased Sirius, while poking my arm. I slapped his hand." Aww that hurt Amber!" "That's what you get. And anyways for your kind information I am not thinking of someone. Plus who would like me any-" but before I could even finish my sentence Sirius interrupted me

"Oh come on Amber, give yourself a break, you Are beautiful but you don't show it, and your smart, kind, loyal, your everything a guy would want so stop beating you self-up." I blushed "And how do you know that no guy likes you, what about that kid in potions. What's his name?" "Andrew" "yeah, sees Amber and Andrew. Even the names sound good together." I laughed "Congrats Sirius you managed to rhyme names" at this point we both started laughing.

"Amber!!!!!" I turned around only to be ambushed by Alice. "Alice.Need.To.Breath" I said breathlessly. "Ohh, sorry it is just I am so excited to see you and Lily again." "Me to Alice, I really missed you two. Anyways where is Lils?" "She stayed back, your brother needed to talk to her." "You left her alone with my brother!!!! Are you trying to get him killed!!!" I screamed.

"Don't worry Amber, I asked Lily to not kill him." "And that is really going to stop her?" I asked her. "Amber chill, let them sort out their problems. Plus James has matured since last year, so hopefully he won't do anything stupid enough to get him injured." I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Your right." "See. Now come on I am really hungry." Said Alice "Oh no I am staying here in case." "Fine, what about you Sirius?" Who until this point was just watching us said, "Uhmm, no it's ok if things get out of hand then I think it will take both of us to calm them down." "Kay. Bye guys." And with that Alice skipped in the hall. I was just about to say something to Sirius, when we heard the yelling. I groaned, Sirius just chuckled.

"You know you would think that they would give it a break considering it is the first day of school" said Sirius " yeah, after last year I thought if anything they would be civil to each other." "Amber what world do you live in, James and Lily have been fighting since first year you really think that five years of arguing would go away that easily."

I signed "Your right, I just hoped that maybe Alice would be right. And they wouldn't go at each other's heads" just as they came around the corner I turned to Sirius and said "ok you take James away into the great hall, I will get Lily calmed down so she doesn't kill him." "Ok" we fist pumped and when we looked at them our jaws dropped. This can't be happening!!!!

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