Chapter 11

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Ambers P.O.V

I walked in to green house behind Andrew and gasped. It was absolutely breath taking the normally dirt covered room was transformed into a romantic getaway. The entire Green house was decorated with jars filled with Bluebell flames and flowers. Right in the center of the room was a blanket set up to gaze at the thousand glittering stars scattered across the sky.

I looked down to see Andrew staring at me, "So do you like it?" He asked.

"Nope. I love it." I replied.

A gorgeous smile broke across his face.

"Alright then! Lets get the show started shall we."? He said leading me towards the blanket; we both lay down beside each other to gaze at the stars.

A comfortable silence stayed among us as we gazed up and the breath taking view, but it was quickly interrupted by Andrew a he grabbed my hand. I looked over and smiled at him, he leaned in and kissed me I immediately responded kissing him back. I tangled my hand in his hair as he grabbed my waist, I had kissed Andrew many times over the two months we had been dating but this for some reason was different. The way his month moved roughly against mine and his hand squeezed my waist. I wasn't until his hand sneaked under my oversized t-shirt that I realized what was different, Andrew had something else on his mind tonight. I quickly pulled away, and looked at him.

"Andrew... I don't think I'm ready for this." I said looking into his eyes.

There was a flash of emotion I couldn't quiet place before he masked it with a small smile.

"Babe, we've been dating two months. Don't you trust me?" He asked.

"Its not about trust Andrew. I'm just not ready." I pressed as I sat up.

"And just because we have been going out for two months doesn't mean I have to sleep with you." I bit back.

"Alright. Alright." He responded putting his hands up in defeat.

"I wont pressure you ok. Now would you like a drink?" he asked.

I smiled up at him and nodded. He quickly got up and made his way to the table across the room and got out a bottle of Butter beer for each of and poured into the mugs siting on the table.

He handed me my drink and raised his mug up, "A toast to us. And to the probability that you will ready someday." I shot him at look.

"Sorry." He laughed as we clicked glasses.

I was just about to take my first sip when the door burst open.

Sirius P.O.V

All I saw was red. As soon as Lily explain what she had over herd on her way back from the library I hadn't even wasted a second, I stormed out of the common room down the stairs and out of the castle in an angry haze. All I felt was an equally angry James walking beside me while Remus and Lily followed. As we made our way towards the Green Houses, I looked over at James. He nodded towards the Green house with a Blue haze coming out of it; we pulled out our wand from our robes and broke open the door.

There sitting right beside the git was Amber; I spotted the mug in her hand and got even angrier if it was possible. And before I could think, I shot a curse at him. The prat managed to roll out of the way, but suddenly three spells narrowly miss my head, when I looked to see where it came from, I saw three of his friends climbing out from under one of the tables.

Within seconds a full-blown duel had erupted, spells were coming from all corners of the room. But we were too strong, within seconds Lily and Remus had 2 of them disarmed and tied out, James stupefied the last one. That left Andrew and me, I was hitting him with spells upon spells giving him barely a moment to deflect let a lone breath.

He somehow managed to shoot a couple spells my way as well. He may have been good but I was better, I finally disarmed and just before I could do any real damage to the prat I felt my own wand flying out my hands.

"Stop it!!" Yelled Amber, clutching my wand.

"What in the name of Merlin's beard are you doing? I thought we sorted this out Sirius. I can't believe you would do this?"

"Your mad at me! Your seriously mad at me." I yelled back at her, I also saw an expression of fear cross her face but I was too far-gone to care.

" Tell her you prat tell her what you were planning on doing tonight!! TELL HER."

" What does he mean Andrew?" inquired Amber sounding utterly confused.

I watched as his expression morphed into one of a deer caught in headlights.

Looking baffled he some how managed to stammer out, "I... d-don't know what he me-means."

"I hope you know that although Sirius may not have a wand I do. And I will use it if need be so you better not waste your breath lying." Warned James, clutching his wand tighter in his hands.

"James please, I truly have no idea what you're talking about." Andrew responded feigning innocence.

" Give it up you loathsome evil little cockroach. Lilly heard what these dimwits were saying on her way back from the library, so don't pretend" Remus spat out.

"What do mean? What did Lilly Hear? Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Screamed Amber.

"Amber on my way back from the library..." Lilly started to explain her story once again. And with each sentence I saw Amber's heartbreak. I don't think I will ever be able to forget the look in her eyes when Lilly finished. The look in her eyes was one of utter betrayal with tears welled up in her eyes, she looked towards Andrew and asked.

"Is what they are saying true?"

"Amber babe-" The prat started trying to grab her hand. Jerking her hands away from him,


He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose he answered.... "Yes"


Hey peeps! 

I'm back from England! And it was absolutely amazing. Hope you guys like the chapter! Let me know how you think it is. Also how do you think Amber will react to Andrews confession? 

Let me know in the comments & Don't forget to vote. 

Lot of love, 


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