Chapter Forty-Five: Apocalypse Rising

Start from the beginning

    "Hey guys!" Wendy said, pointing to the east. "Is it just me or is that ship coming really close?"

     We looked in the direction Wendy was pointing and all of our breaths got caught in our lungs as a gigantic dragon-shaped steel ship began flying our way. People were swarming over it, carrying loads of weapons while my eyes caught on to the image of Acnologia printed on each side of the ship. I felt my blood run cold as the voices in my head began cursing and pouting fearfully. It was kind of hard to focus on my own fears when the two souls within me were already acting out how I felt:

    WE'RE GONNA DIE, CROCUS-NIIIIIII!!!!!! Mini-me screamed and I could almost feel the demon grab the boy's shoulders and shake him roughly.






     I screamed at the two souls to shut the fuck up before standing up, which was quite the chore since the dragon beneath me was constantly moving up and down with each pound of her wings and that her fur kept on catching my feet, but I eventually managed to get up. Most of the other mages followed suit while some just clung to Eileen and screamed for her to move faster.

    "Come on, guys! Acnologia followers coming from the east! Let's break some bitches!" I shouted and those who agreed followed as I jumped off the side of the dragon and summoned up my flames from my feet. Yes, I was fully aware that I could just shift into my etherious form, but it took too much energy to do so and it wasn't as comfortable as my dragon flames. I rocketed over to the ship with Sting, Rogue, Erza, Gray, Malala, and Pantherlily following suit. Sting, Gray, and Rogue were moving with their magic like I did, Erza was being carried by Pantherlily (who was now in his combat form) as Malala was flying from the back. It shocked me just how similar her paper wings were to Tumashu's, and by the time I looked forward again I was too late to move and I plowed straight through the ship's windows and straight into the pilot room. There were eight people in there, each one wearing a black cloak. Six of them turned on me instantly while the other two attempted to shake off the mages that boarded their ship. I smiled as the six cult followers lunged at me with their magic staffs in hand.

     I lit my body on fire and punched the first mage in the face and threw him into two more men, they flew out of the other window and down, down, down into the pacific waters below. The fourth guy ran at me with his staff and I caught it just as it turned into a spear, we began tugging on it for a while until I finally threw the guy off the staff and lit the timber wood on fire. As the staff crumbled into ashes I had to use my fists against the three remaining mages, which proved to be a bit more troublesome than I thought since they attacked in a group.

     Didn't matter, though, I loved a good fight.



     As the ship flew closer to Eileen, the dragon began performing various aerial flips and twists, avoiding the ship as it either tried ramming into her or firing Jupiter-type cannons at her. Happy and Lector ran to me and Lucy and they picked us up without hesitation and flew us over to the ship while Frosch had to hold on with the remaining Fairy Tail forces on the back of Eileen.

     As we neared the ship, I realized that I was going to have to fight.

     Lucy and I hit the deck with a loud thud and we drew out our spells quickly, Lucy summoning her keys while I wrote out two duel swords. There were over fifty hands on this ship and what remained of the thirty fighting Erza and co. ran to us with their own weapons brandished. I raised my swords up just as a mage brought down a club on me and I was so very thankful that Erza sparred swords with me before. I tried reusing the techniques I was taught and kicked out at my opponent's sternum, it worked and he staggered back a bit before I slashed into his shoulder with my swords. As I did that I noticed that Lucy was in Aquarius star dress and had two other spirits to fight at her stead; Leo and Aires.

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