Chapter 42: The wedding

Start from the beginning

My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Today is going to be a good day, I remind myself. Enjoy it and be happy. It's your dad's and Jennifer's big day.

The wedding planner eventually calls all the bridesmaids and the groomsmen together to go over who is walking who down the aisle.

Of course Noah and I are walking down together since he's the best man and I'm the maid of honour. The wedding planner lists off everyone else and we all listen to every word she says.

At 2 we take photos. All the teenagers, so myself, Noah, Jamie, Paul, Hayden, Bo, Gordon, James and I get group photos together and then we take some with the adults. I take a few photos with my dad, Jennifer and Noah and then we take some family photos as well.

I can't help but feel the photo is incomplete without Justin and I think everyone else feels it too.

We then move onto to groomsmen photos and the bridesmaids photos. We take lots of funny one's too which is was fun to take.

Eventually around 3:30 people arrive. The place fills up quickly and you can just feel the energy in the air and all around you.

In Jennifer's room at the venue we get her ready all around the big mirror. "You look breath taking, Jennifer." I tell her and she smiles at me, her eyes tearing up a bit.

"Oh, Beatrice." She breaths out, hugging me towards her. I hug her back, being careful not to ruin or crinkle her hair or dress.

We let go when a loud knock is heard on the door. "Has anyone seen the groom?" The wedding planner asks.

"What? No, is he not with his groomsmen?" She shakes her head and disappears, making us all worried. "Don't worry, he was seen greeting the guests, probably on his way back." Sana waves it off and we all relax.

When its time to walk, I start to feel nervous. We are all in line, ready to walk, but Noah is nowhere to be seen. "Where's Noah?" I ask around, but everybody shrugs. "He was right behind us." One of the groomsmen offers. I'm about to go look for him when we hear, "I'm here!" He's jogging over, running a hand over his light brown hair.

"Sorry." He apologizes, but he doesn't take his place next to me.

"Noah, come on." I wave him over, but he doesn't move. He just stands there. I frown in confusion. "Seriously Noah, we need to walk now."

He's looking at me with a certain look in his eye that I can't place. "Actually, Beatrice, there's been a slight change in plans. Noah will be walking Dellani down the aisle." The wedding planner says.

"Oh..." I say, "So do I go down alone?"

"Of course not! I found you the perfect replacement." Noah winks with a grin and I shake my head. "I swear to God, if Paul trips me as we walk down the aisle I'm going to-" I stop when I see who enters.

The man is standing there in a navy blue tux with his hair styled back from his face. The sides are a little shorter than I remember and he lucks much more built if that was even possible. His brown eyes that I'm grown so familiar with are staring back at me and he steps forward.

I can't believe what I see in front of me.

"J-justin?" I stutter. I want to reach out and touch his face because this can't be real. He can't be standing a few meters away from me.

How is he even here right now? I'm so scared because I think he'll be gone in a blink of an eye.

He's up close now and smiling down at me. "Hey Avocado," he whispers the nickname I grew to adore lowly so only I can hear him.

Oh my God his smile. And his voice! It's deeper than I remember and he says it with so much ease.

"Quick, quick!" The wedding planner claps her hands and Justin takes my arm and leads me out on cue. Its like i'm in a day dream and when we get to the end, I don't want to let go of his arm.

When I glance at my dad he's smiling so widely. He knew! He knew Justin would be coming! I can't take my eyes off Justin who stands by my dad's side. One by one, everyone arrives and then all the guests stand at Jennifer's arrival.

Jennifer's father, Noah's grandfather, is by her side. He brings her up the front and they part so she can take the spot in front of my father.

Every now and then I check to make sure Justin is still standing where I last saw him and sure enough he is. I keep thinking he's just a mere imagination my mind has made up for me to get through all of this. I keep thinking that he's going to disappear into thin air. But he doesn't.

He stands right there, smiling at me.



YAY! Justin and Bea are officially reunited after 5 months! Phew I am so glad to have this chapter down omg.

I hope you guys liked it! The other chapters were so boring and short, but this will give everyone something to look forward to, hopefully :)

Thank you for all your support!


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