Loverman in Milan II

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I glance over my shoulder and see man in a smart shirt and jacket pace nervously outside the pizzeria. He checks his watch and checks himself using his phone. Running a gentle hand down the material of my white lace dress he catches my fingers as I catch his eye. James takes me to our table in the corner of the tester aunt lighted by a small collection of tea lights and the view of the water reflecting the sunset. Pulling out my chair and allowing me to be seated, I blush intensely as he compliments me.
A small slim waiter trots over to our table and hands us menus and straightens his curly moustache and straightens his waistcoat before taking orders from other tables. Our table views over the canal which reflects the gentle evening waters rolling gently. The resteraunt was moderately full with other couples engrossed in conversation and food. I find James glancing at the couple opposite our table admiringly. Sighing closing the menu and placing it gently on the tablecloth looks up at me with a face full of promise. Leaning in close and dropping his lip slowly to speak I intently lean too.
"Excuse me but can I take your order?" The small Italian waiter interrupted. James huffed and sat back to open the menu and pointed at the pizza he wanted. The waiter scribbled our order on a small notepad and then left our table and skipped on into the kitchen. James laughs lightly at me as the waiter leaves. I watch James smirk as I raise and eyebrow.
"What?" I giggle awkwardly.
"The way you ordered that pizza in Italian!" James laughed tilting his head slightly to lean in closer.
"I think you will find that my Italian is...fantastic!" I say smiling at James.
"Okay then missy tell me something in Italian." He impersonates in an accent. Little did he know I took Italian at high school.
I sit up straight and position my hands on the table carefully and lock my eyes on to James' for a moment and breathe out slowly.
"James, ti amo tanto. Ti viglio tanto bene. Viglio stare sempre con te."
James sits there flabbergasted,
"Wow." He says. Reading his face he knew I meant whatever he thought it was. "What does it mean?"
"It means James," I pause "I love you. I love you so much. And I want to be with you."
My cheeks blush and I feel my skin burning as I look up at James who leans in minches from my face smiling. The soft touch of our fingers intertwining electrifies my body causing me to smile right back.

Soon after, being interrupted by yet another small Italian waiter, our food arrives. Thin crispy pizzas with swirling rocket leaves and sizzling cheese invites in as we take our first slices. Sweetness from the tomato causes my face to squirm and water in my mouth - the best sweetness I had ever tasted.
"I want this pizza to become a human, so I can take it back to the UK and marry it." James expresses as he eats his pizza and cuts another slice with the pizza wheel.
Our empty plates are soon cleared and James takes hold of both my hands straight away weaving our fingers together.
"Camilla Arfwedson." He pauses. "I love you too."
His clear blue eyes ignite before me as he reaches out as strokes my face. "Why haven't we had this conversation before?" He sighs.
I sigh.
One of the small Italian waiters produces a steaming pudding oozing liquid chocolate. James and I tuck in and indulge in every spoonful the pudding offers.

I reach for my jacket as we go to leave the resteraunt and pay the bill. The outside leads us to a decking by the canal where the lights sparkle on the water. I catch James' hand who places it around my waist pulling me in closer to him.
"Camilla!" James teases. "What have I told you about eating chocolate!"
I laugh as he positions his thumb to wipe 'chocolate' off my face yet slides the hand swiftly around my neck and engulfs me in a passionate kiss.

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