"Nooo, you don't have to for me outside the restroom." I replied.

"Why not?" he questioned.

"Because, it's embarrassing.." I replied.

"Sigh. Alright, go on and hurry up. There's still a few more people around campus, so if anything comes up you better call me right away." he replied.

"Okie dokie!" I replied before dashing off to the ladies room.


While waiting for Maria to finish up her business in the bathroom, I was at the front of the school leaning against a wall. Then, Brook came back walking towards me.

"What're you still doing here?" I questioned. "Didn't you say your ride was waiting for you outside the gate?" I questioned again.

"I did say that, didn't I?" she questioned back at me with a thinking expression. "Thing is, I totally forgot I have a car." she chuckled holding her car keys up.

"Okay.. then what are you waiting for?" I asked, my arms folded in front of me as I spoke with Brook.

She remained quiet for a bit before shrugging and replying with, "I don't know. I guess I'll get going now." before walking over to her car.

All that came to mind when she had suddenly forgot she had a car was she was a seemingly odd girl... When Maria came back, I dropped her off back to her house then headed home.

Tomorrow was Friday, so the first thing I was thinking about when I headed home to eat my lunch and dinner was.. what should me and Maria do tomorrow? Maybe ice skate? She probably hasn't gone ice skating before, so most likely I'd take her there.

After finishing eating, I headed upstairs and went straight for my bed as I texted Maria, "Can I call you on FaceTime audio?"

"Sure! ☺️" Maria texted back, and so I called as she picked up and greeted me energetically.. before she yawned.

"You're tired, aren't you?" I questioned laughing through the phone as I put her on speaker and a certain volume.

"Me? Tired? No.." she replied yawning again.

"Go sleep," I responded. "Even if you fall asleep I'll still be here on the phone with you." I added followed by a soft chuckle.

"You promise?" she replied, now sounding a bit more tired then when she greeted me just a few minutes ago.

"Yes, I promise. Now get some rest sleepyhead." I replied.

"Okay.." she responded quietly. "Goodnight, I love you." she added.

She probably didn't even know she said that because she was tired, was it to soon to say such things in the amount of days we've been dating? If not, I don't care. I couldn't help it.

"Goodnight, I love you too Princess. Sweet dreams." I responded quietly, she was fast asleep for I was able to hear her soft breathing.

It's just like whenever she fell asleep in my car, though I wouldn't be able to hear her breathing because the sound of the radio and engine. Anyways, I kept my promise with her and stayed on the call till morning.

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