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"How could you do such a thing!" Jane yells at Clayton when we arrive back at camp. "Now, Miss Porter, as I told you, I was not aiming at the gorilla." Clayton says and I scoff as I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest. "You are not to go near the gorillas again!" Jane says to him. "All because of one mishap? Come, now..." Calyton stops speaking as he looks at all of us glaring at him. Clayton backs away while awkwardly chuckling. When Clayton was out of the tent, I look down with a frown as I think of the gorilla. Clayton was considering to murder a creature that did no harm. Suddenly, we heard a gunshot fire an echo through the jungle. Instantly, we knew that the only person to have a gun in this jungle, and who would have the audacity to kill an animal is Clayton. We dash out of the tent and see Heartless surrounding a gorilla. I summon my keyblade and start to attack the Heartless, as well as Sora, Donald, and Goofy. I slash a monkey Heartless jumping straight at me. When the Heartless were gone, the gorilla looks at us. Tarzan speaks to the gorilla, and then it runs off into the jungle.


We ran around the jungle saving gorillas from Heartless, after saving the one in the treehouse, we headed back to camp only to hear another gunshot. We dash over to where we heard the gunshot only to see Clayton's smoke pipe on the ground. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a leopard jumps out and growls. I jump away from the leopard as it jumps at me and the others. I summon my keyblade and fight the leopard. The leopard pounces at me once again, but I swing my keyblade, hitting it in the face. The leopard flies in the air, hitting the bamboo trees, then Tarzan stabs it with his spear. I pant in exhaustion from the fight, and Sora looks at me with concern. "I'm fine." I say and he nods with a small smile. We then head back to camp once again, heading into the tent only to see that Jane was gone. "Where's Jane?" Sora asks, but I notice a look on Tarzan's face. "What's wrong, Tarzan?" I ask him as I look at him with furrowed brows. "Something coming. Jane, danger. Jane... Near treehouse." Tarzan says and I widen my eyes. "Sounds like trouble. Let's go." Donald says and we all dash out of the tent.

We make our way back to the tunnels, fighting Heartless on the way there. When we get to the tunnel, Heartless surrounded the area and I notice Jane and a gorilla with her behind some vines. "Tarzan!" Jane yells and I summon my keyblade and slash a Heartless. Once all the Heartless were gone, I notice a black fruit hanging off of the tree and some buds growing out of the ground. "Does this fruit seem suspicious to you?" I ask Sora and turns to me and looks at it. "Yeah." he says and he hits it with his Keyblade, but it does nothing. "Maybe the buds have something to do with it." I say and he shrugs. My instincts tell me to use fire on these buds, so I do that and it blooms. "Kalani! You're a genius! Find anymore flower buds and use fire on it. Maybe it'll do something to this black fruit." Sora says and I nod. I find at least two more flower buds and make them bloom, and Sora finds another two, making them bloom as well. We then slash the black fruit and it disappears leaving behind a black puff. The vines disappear and we dash over to Jane and the gorilla. "Jane, what happened?" I ask her as she looks at us with a frown. "Clayton came to the tent, and... That's the last thing I remember." Jane says and we widen our eyes. "Clayton?!" we all ask in shock, except for Tarzan. "Gorillas trapped. Terk ran." Tarzan says and I look at him confusingly. "Who's Terk?" I ask him, and he points to the gorilla hugging Jane and I nod. "We must help the gorillas!" Jane says and I look at Sora. "We will. Let's go!" Sora says and we all  dash back down. "You know, after this, I'm hoping that we can all just, at least, take a break. I'm starving!" I say and Sora laughs. "I'm sure we will, Kalani." he says as we head back down.


We dash past the camp, and into the jungle again only to see Clayton surrounded by Heartless as he points his gun at the gorillas. "No!" Sora and I yell as Calyton was about to pull the trigger, but then he turns to us with a blank stare. "Not Clayton! *&&X%! Not Clayton!" Tarzan says alternating from speaking English, then gorilla, then back to English. Sora and I summon our keyblades and we all attack Clayton, dodging bullets and him swinging his gun at us. "What kind of a man shoots bullets and hits 14-year-olds, a duck, a dog, and a man?" I ask aloud as I slash a Heartless and jump in the air while doing a back flip while dodging a bullet. "A man who doesn't care about lives." Sora responds and I smirk at him. "Fair point." I say as I dodge a swing from Clayton's gun and slash another Heartless, then slash Clayton. Suddenly, the wall behind him crumbles, and when we open our eyes, we see Clayton floating in midair. "How the hell is he doing that?" I ask in shock. "I don't know. But what I do know is that we gotta stop him." Sora says and we slash the invisible thing. Suddenly, the thing appears and I notice that it was a chameleon Heartless. "Well, at least we can see it now." Goofy says and I laugh as I shake my head and attack the Heartless. I dodge in coming bullets from Clayton, and turn my attention to him. I attack Clayton, as he tries to shoot me, and hit me with his gun. I flip over him and slash him, throwing him back to where the Heartless was. I land next to Sora as we glared at Clayton and the Heartless. The Heartless sways around as Clayton points his gun toward us, but only to be squashed by the giant chameleon Heartless.

My Heart Belongs to You (Prequel to Combined Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now