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I feel something cold and hard underneath me as I start to come to. I feel grass underneath my hand and I slowly open my eyes to see trees surrounding me. "Where am I?" I ask myself as I slowly sit up. The last thing I remember was Sora and Donald arguing about landing in the world. I suddenly remembered Sora and Donald fighting over control of the gummi ship, and doing something to make us fall into the world. When I see those two, they're gonna be in for it. I stand up and walk around looking for Sora, Donald, and Goofy. As I walk around, I hear rustling in a bush across from me. I summon my Keyblade to my hand and glare at the bush, waiting for a Heartless or something, but instead, a woman with blue eyes and brown hair comes out of the bush and looks at me. "Hello." she says sweetly in a British accent and I sigh in relief as I make my keyblade disappear. "Hi." I say politely as I smile at her. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" she asks me and I look down. I remember Donald saying not to meddle in the world's affairs, but me telling her that I crashed isn't meddling. But maybe she'd ask how I had crashed in the middle of a jungle.

"I don't remember." I lie, but she believes me.

"That's alright. Do you remember if anyone else came here with you?" she asks.

"Yeah. Um, a boy with brown spiky hair with blue eyes, and, though this may sound like I'm crazy, a talking duck and dog." I say and she nods with a smile.

"I'm sure we'll find your friends. Come along. I may need to check to see if you're alright from a medical perspective."

I nod and I follow the woman through the jungle, as she seems to know her way around this place. "If it's not too much of me to ask, what is your name?" the woman asks me and I turn to her. "My name's Kalani." I say with a polite smile, which she returns. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kalani. My name is Jane." she says and I nod. "It's nice to meet you too, Jane." I say and soon we arrive at a place with a tent pitched up, a makeshift kitchen, a table, and a few other things you would typically see in a home. "You live here?" I ask Jane and she turns and nods. "It's temporary. You see, my father and I are studying the intellectual knowledge of our primate relatives. The gorillas." Jane explains and I nod as we walk into the tent. Jane grabs a flashlight and shines it in my eyes to see if I had a concussion after I had fallen, which, luckily, I didn't. She then checks my reflexes and checks if I had any injuries. "You seem alright. No concussion or injuries." Jane confirms and I smile. Suddenly, the curtain of the tent opens, and in comes a tanned man walking on all fours with long brown hair and green eyes. "Tarzan!" Jane says and I look at her, but then turn back to see a boy with ocean blue eyes and brown spiky hair. "Sora!" I yell and dash up to him, embracing him tightly in a hug as he spins me around with laugh.

"Kalani! I thought I lost you!" he says as he puts me down making me giggle.

"I take it that this must be your friend?" Jane asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Sora, this is Jane. She found me out in the jungle and brought me here." I introduce him to her.

"Nice to meet you, Jane." Sora says politely.

"The pleasure's all mine." she responds. "Are you and your other friends here to study the gorillas as well?"

"Highly doubtful." we hear a deep voice ask and we turn to see a man with a shot gun in his hands, wearing some type of hunters outfit.

Behind the man were Donald and Goofy, "Sora! Kalani!" Goofy yells in excitement. "Goofy! Donald!" we both cheer, but suddenly, both Donald and Sora turn away from each other. I roll my eyes then smack both of them upside the head. "What was that for?" Donald asks rubbing his head. "Yeah, Kalani." Sora says doing the same thing. "For the both of you acting like 5-year-olds!" I say as I rest my hands on my hips. "A circus of clowns. Not much use for hunting gorillas." the man says and I look at the man with a raised brow. "Hunting? I thought you were "studying" gorillas?" I ask looking back at Jane. "We are. Mr. Clayton was our escort just in case we ran into any sort of trouble in the jungle. We don't mean to harm the gorillas." Jane explains and I nod. "Well, the more the merrier. Do make yourselves at home." Jane says and I smile at her. "Thank you." I say and she nods. "Well, anyway..." Sora starts to say and I look at him.

My Heart Belongs to You (Prequel to Combined Hearts)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα