Just A Friend pt. 4

Depuis le début

You take your phone out from your pocket and searched Louis' number that is still saved on your phone.

You dialled it, and after a few rings, he picks it up.

"Hello," he says with a wierd voice.

"Louis?" You asked.

"Oh hey (Y/N), it's you." He chuckles from the other line. There's a loud noise from the background.

"Are you drunk?" You asked.

"Whyyyy?" He asked back playfully, yep he's drunk.

"Where are you?" You stand up and get your purse with your keys on the counter.

"I'm at the club! Let's party!" He says.

You hung up and immediately go to your car. You tracked his phone and you're brought in the nearest club. It's the place where you have also been tracked by Louis and caught grinding into some guy.

You went in and find him in the crowd.

"Oi oi!!!!" After a few minutes of finding him, you see him beside the DJ dancing like an idiot.

You go to where he is and you grab him by the wrist, "Louis!" You shout through the loud music.

He looks at you, "(Y/N) you made it!" He's completely drunk, "come dance with me!"

"You're waisted, let's go." You insist him to go with you and he followed.

You made it to your car and got trouble getting him in the passenger seat.

"But the party just started.." he whines and you didn't answer. After successfully getting him in, you drove back to your flat.

You assist him to go in your flat and straight to your bedroom.

He lay sprawled on the bed and you sit at the edge very tired

"You're small but you're so heavy." You whisper, cracking your neck side to side.

You took his shoes off and stand up to get some water and towel. You went back and see him snoring on your bed.

You sit beside him to damp and clean his face.

After awhile, he whispers, "I love..."

You didn't quite hear what he said.

"I love..." he says, this time hearing him.

He's sleep talking. Maybe he's still broken about the break up.

"Eleanor..." he says,"I don't love you..." now you're confused.

"I love (Y/N)... not you.." he says and you stopped in your tracks.

You're frozen.

Did you just hear him say he loves you?

You must have heard it wrong. You shook your head and stand up to fixed the comforter, then turning off the lights.

A loud sound from the bedroom made you awake. You slept at the couch in the living room.

You immediately go to your bedroom to check on Louis.

You open the door and see him sitting on the floor rubbing his head, "ouch..." he says.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant