Chapter 2

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The room was dark. Not pitch black dark, as the blinds weren't fully closed, but dark enough to be unaware of your surroundings. He tried to scream, but was muffled by the towel tied to make him shut up. He tried to move, but proved useless as he was tied to a chair. Fear struck the mans angry eyes. He had never experienced such horror.

Had i been kidnapped? Where am i?

He pondered these thoughts till he heard the sound of screeching metal. Across the wall was a door way leading down to a long hallway. He squinted his eyes to see who it was, but in the dark, his eyes were hopeless. There came whistling with the scraping noise. As the figure came closer, he became more visible, and thats when he realized.

It was John.

John held a knife in his dominant right hand. Scraping it on the wall, leaving a trail of chipped cement and scratches on the walls.

"Well....well.....WELL" John said, his eyes wide with insanity.

"Look what the wind brought me! If it isn't my ooolld friend Niiiiick!"

Nick squirmed left and right, trying to free himself. Fear had completely taken control of his body, he knew he was a goner. Only God knew what he had in store for him.

John reached for the towel tied over his mouth, taking it off of him. Nick coughed a few times and glared at him. In anger, and in fear.

"Listen here, you mother f-"

Nick was interrupted by the sudden grab at the throat.

"Now now, sir, I never liked your tone, y'know that? Everytime you swear, it just makes me....." John took a deep breath. " so aggrevated"

John laughed,

"And your eyes! They ALWAYS just pissed me off. The look it has for me, it's always bothered me!"

He let go of his throat. Leaving him to gag for air.

"Ah, shit, aw hell, oh-"

Nicks cursing was interrupted by the slam of a knife into his hand, locking it into the chairs arm rest.

Nick screamed in pain.

"You know what, i think I have an idea to stop you from those harsh words, and on the way, I'll fix those eyes up too!"

John cheered in upon the realization of this idea.

"Sit still now, I'll be right back with some, er, tools.

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