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Heidi's POV

No way ! That's so embarrassing.

"Shit shit shit!"

I shout out loud to myself. I can't believe he caught me staring at him. What am I going to say when I see him next. Agh!
"Oh hey there Dominic thiem you have a hot face haha!" No wayyyy.!

He probably thinks I'm some weird ass girl now, who just likes to stare at him without blinking for like three minutes! Ostia!

I bet right at this moment he's telling Alexander all about this super embarrassing moment, and they're probably laughing their asses of in their room, talking about how pathetic I am !

"Fuck my life!"

I scream again dropping my bag on the ground diving into my bed. I have practice with him at seven tomorrow for my match, which is at nine.

Hopefully I don't see him again tonight, because I look red as a tomato and I probably won't know what to say when I see him.

I take my shirt and shorts off, including my socks and underwear. I grab a clean towel from the bed and wrap it around myself. I'm so looking forward to showering right now.

These towels are amazing.

Maybe the water can clean up all this embarrassment I feel all over myself!
"Someone kill me!" I scream again.

Damn I should probably stop shouting before someone files a complaint on me or something.

Okay Heidi just breathe, this doesn't matter, he just caught you staring at him the whole way up in the elevator, it's no big deal right ?

Besides I have to take a shower and go for diner, I also have to check on Alessia to make sure she isn't cutting up her wrist or hanging herself or something.

I take a deep breathe and close my eyes for a second to try clam myself down. I learnt this from the yoga classes Alessia and I used to take.

Speaking of Alessia, I hear a knock on the door. It's probably her because she's right next door and she must have heard all the screaming and swearing.

I take a few steps to the door. I grab onto the door handle and open it super fast with one hand holding up my towel and the other on the handle.

"Omg Alessia I was so worried about you,! I was gonna take a shower and come check on you, come in how're you feeling?"

"Ahhhhh..." cough cough.

I look up at Alessia to she why she isn't coming in, that's when I notice that it's actually Dominic standing by the door!

Holy shit. Should I bang the door in his face or ask him to come in?...what the hell do I do.!

Heidi be cool for once in your life please! I'm still in a bath towel though.
Okay say something. I gently clear my throat and look back up at Dominic and before I can process what to say, the words just run out themselves.

"Umm, do you wanna come in um like something ? Maybe ah um I don't know."

Shit that was terrible. My eyes immediately drop to my feet in shame, can't the floor just open and pull me into the ground. I look back up at Dominic and he's eyes weren't on mine.

He's mouth is slightly open so I follow his eyes to look for were he's looking or what his looking at.

Oh my gosh.
I look down to my chest and I didn't realize my towel was tied a little too low around my chest, showing off nearly half of my boobs! now I know where he was looking.

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