Chapter 2

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"I miss Christine," Erik said, his voice cracking. Sobs shook his body like an earthquake.

Y/N's eyes fell to the ground, filling with tears of both frustration and disappointment. 'I don't know what I expected," she thought. 'Erik loves Christine, not me.'

Y/N pulled away from Erik's embrace. "I know. But we can't do anything; we never could. It was her choice to make, not ours, even if it was a cruel choice," she said sadly. Oh, how she hated to see him like this.

Erik's grip around her tightened."It wasn't a cruel choice, Y/N. That's nonsense. It was rightful for her to choose not to be with me. I am a monster, a gargoyle and she is a princess. No. She is a queen." Tears rose in Erik's eyes and threatened to overflow, to form a heartbreaking, catastrophic sob.

Y/N looked deeply into Erik's stunning blue eyes, which were glimmering with tears. "Erik, don't you dare utter another word like that. You are not a monster nor a gargoyle, and if Christine can't see that, then she is not worthy of you, and she never will be. You are fully worthy of her, you just don't see it," she stated firmly.

Erik shook his head. "That's not true, Y/N. You're just trying to alter my mood into happiness. Let me assure you, that will not be happening any time soon." Erik's words came out rather harshly and Y/N's level of anger rose, but she intended to transform Erik's sadness into happiness, and she was never going to achieve her goal if she yelled and lost her temper at him. She somehow managed to contain herself and spoke again.

She sighed. "Erik, that's not-"

"Yes it is! Why else would you blame everything on Christine if you didn't want me to be upset?"

"Because she is the one who caused you to behave like this! She is the one who caused you to be upset and to play solemn songs on the organ while thinking of nothing else but sadness, darkness, and how you wish she were here to accompany you in making your music! You just don't want to think of her as anything else but a saint because that's all she is to you and that's all she'll ever be in your mind. I am simply stating the truth, Erik! I do not wish to criticize Christine, your first and only love, for I know how much she means to you. Please at least think deeper into this situation, deeper into the thought of 'who is it that caused this to happen to me'. Then, you will find it ridiculous that you quarreled with me at all. Not everything is as simple as you imagine."

Erik's eyes widened in shock and realization and fell to look at the ground. Y/N could see the gears in his head turning, the thoughts in his mind shifting. His grip on Y/N's back loosened until his hands were sitting on her waist. Y/N's skin tingled and felt as if her senses were in shock. Erik touched her on her upper back all the time when they embraced, but never had she felt his hands on her waist. These things only happened in her wildest dreams, which she considered to be impossible. They were all childish and silly in her mind, but never did she think that at least half of one of them would come true. The other half, in her mind, was quite impossible. It involved Erik's lips on hers, one of Y/N's hands on his face and the other on his neck, their lips interlocking over and over again until they needed a gasp of fresh air. Oh, how she longed for the other half to join its pair, for it the two parts to happily meet in a blissful delight, in a perfect combination. A mist coated over Y/N's eyes and her mind filled with thoughts of what could happen between her and her dearest friend, but they were torn to shreds once she remembered the quarrel that had just happened between them, what Erik had just said. He still loves Christine, and it was impossible for Y/N and him to be together if only one half of the pair was in love with the other. Y/N let her hands drop from Erik's waist and she went back to her sanctuary, to the place where her dreams could take flight: her bedroom.

As she stood up, and Erik's hands fell into his lap, grazing her sides just once more as they fell. The ghost of Erik's hands rested proudly on Y/N's waist and accompanied her into her bedroom, and when she stepped foot into her quarters, the ghost of Erik's hands were gone, fallen into the abyss of Y/N's happiest memories and fulfilled dreams. Though only a few of those dreams mixed in with her happiest memories, they were, at least, still there, and would remain there until Y/N passed.

She walked past the black curtains that separated her from the music room and strode to her cherished desk, which sat to the right of her bed and against the cold stone of the wall. She pulled out her soft red chair from its place tucked under the desk, and adjusted herself so she was comfortable. (A/N: pictures of the desk and chair are at the top of the chapter). At her desk was a pen, which had metal with many swirls, arches, curves, and shapes, the end of which formed a large triangle, who's bottom corners were curved. The triangle held a marvelous black feather which gleamed in the candle light. At the bottom of the pen was the most beautiful tip of a pen that existed. It too was decorated with swirly patterns, and in small but beautiful calligraphy letters was written the name Y/N. This pen was the most beautiful thing Y/N had ever received, and she cherished and treasured it with all her heart.

She picked up her pen and gently lifted up the top of her desk. She reached inside it and grabbed two pieces of parchment and closed her desk, setting the paper onto her desk. She lifted the lid of the metal container which held her ink, dipped her pen softly into the black liquid, and swiped her pen up a few times in the edge of the black-stained metal to get rid of her pen's excess ink. She set the tip of the pen down onto the parchment, and started writing like she never had before.
A/N: I have put pictures of the pen, the ink holder, the desk and chair on the top of the chapter, and I advise you to look at them in order to get an idea/good visual of what these items look like. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting on/for this story/chapter!

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