chapter 4

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Hey im sooo sorry I've been busy with school because at the end if the yearfir me and with that comes testing so once again sssssooooorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy love ya.

Wallys prov
My alarm went off from my phone and I looked at the time. When I did it read as 5:00." uuuuggghhh"I dont like getting up this early. But I need to because I have to go to Dick's school. But I need to ask him something first. Then I heard a knock on 'my' door I didn't know who it was so I said " Who it it?"  Then i heard Dick's voice and he said " Umm Wally can I come in. " I need to ask him about the grade thing so I said " Sure." Then he walked in and I said " Um don't we have to talk about what grade we will be in? " I said to him and he said " Yeah everone is downstairs waiting for us lets go." Then he took his hand out for me to hold it with mine. But then when I got up he was blushing and I looked at what he was looking at. He was loking at my chest. Then I remember that I dont ware a shirt when i go to bed. So I put one on quietly and then I took his hand and walked to hallway hand in hand. But once we got close to the bottom step I let go he looked at me but i knew beep down he knew why i let go then we got to a small living room Dick said " he's up " and then superboy look at us and said " i could have told you i heard his alarm go off " then mgann ( i think thats how its spelled) looked at her boyfriend and said " conner be a bit nicer and i think she was mind linking with him then kalder said "Artemis you will stay in your grade with me and magann superboy and wally will be with dick in his grade " that will be hard for wally he to tall " said Artemis and everyone looked at me " umm last time i checked being 6'2 wasn't tall " i said back to them " I'm 5'4 and your the tallest one in the room " said Dick " your 5'4 i didn't know that " said my ex Artemis and divk looked at her and said " well if you come close to me or be my friend then you would have know" he said and she looked down at the floor them the old guy came in and he said "master Richard and misters and misses youe close for school are in your room " and Dick at him and said " thank you Alfred" and he lefted " wait " said superboy " yes " said Dick " do we need to wear what he gives us or no " she said back " you have me and Dick go to Gotham Academy its l like or it is a bording school and last time i checked bording schools have an uniform " said Artemis " uuuggghhhh but do i have to " he said" um im sorry superboy but you have to its one of the rules in the school" said Artemis " Conner please for me and you wont have to hear it after school and thats it and after the mission is over you wont wear it again ok " said Miss M he looked at me then Artemis and then miss m then said "fine i wear it "then mgan kissed his cheek " ok just to make sure everything is ok ill be in the like walking with a friend like i do most of the time just so its not out of place " said Artemis " you mean D-D-Danny W-W-Warzack " said Dick looking down at the flour " yeah him why " said Artemis " o-o-oh n-n-no r-reasons " he said again studering " ok something is up you never studdered whats wrong with you " said Artemis looking at Dick and i dont like the way wait is he crying i came over to him and he huged me " Dick whats wrong why are you getting upset over some guys name " said Artemis and Dick softly said he bullyes me but only i heard " what do you mean by that Dick " i was so mad i put my pinter finger under hid chin and mad him look at me he new he needed to say it louder for everyone to hear it so he did but not the way i was hoping for " BECAUSE ARTEMIS HE'S BEEN BULLING SENSE HE FOUND OUT I WAS GAY AND EVEN BEFOR THAT BUT I GUESS YOU WERE BLIND BEHIND YOUR HATERIDE OF ME TO EVEN CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE BUT YOU " i was shocked by this then i hear a door slam close i then look at her " who is the guy that you talk to " i said course about him " i guy that is a friend wally but its not your consurn anymore " " well it not but your hurting dick because of you and him and bulling him do you even know what thats like " i side to her she opened her mouth but closed it after a few seconds " thats what i thought now if you dont mind I'll take care of dick " i said to her and when the same way i heard the closed door come from well i guess its a good thing that its super early in the morning and we dont have to go to school till 7 this might be a vary long day for everyone maybe some more then otheres

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