Chapter 5: Étrange

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It had been three months since Levi and Farlan had found me beaten and thrown out in the sewers. I made no attempt to go back to the surface as I was happy with the quaint, and dangerous lifestyle of living with thugs. Although adjusting was a little hard, I was making do and I moreso felt I was kept around for comedic relief due to my innocence. 

I'd only had one severely scary run-in. It was our last raid, about a week ago, and it involved the MP's trying to chase us down. I don't remember thinking much but acting on pure instinct. I recall breaking away from our group to pursue a different direction of escape, and just as Levi started to bark at me angrily, threatening to take my life with his two hands, Farlan pointed out in the impenetrable barricade that we narrowly avoided if it hadn't been for my careless decsion. 

Needless to say, Levi hasn't looked at me the same since. He takes what I say into careful consideration, even occasional asks for my approval on certain strategies. I don't know how I knew to avoid the barricade, but it was acting on pure instinct almost to preserve the wellbeing of my friends. 

Isabel and Farlan had retired for the evening, which left Levi and I by ourselves. Tonight was calm and peaceful, which said a lot for the underground. 

"Levi," I asked, sitting down at the table with him after I fixed my cup of tea. He was reading his book once again and his silvery eyes slid over to acknowledge me. "I was kind of wondering... how well do you trust me?"

"Hm," He set his teacup down and gazed at me dully. "You've become a benefit, but your still deadweight,"


"You still have a long ways to go before you earn my entire trust," He told me, allowing his eyes to return to his book and I felt my chest begin to flood with impatience as I tried to make out the confusing shapes and scrawls on the cover. At least he places some of his trust in me, and that's all I could ask for now...

"Levi, please teach me how to read!" I spoke very quickly, shutting my eyes so I wouldn't have to see his face. 

"Tch, you can't read?" I left him unanswered as I finally opened my eyes to stare down at the chipped dining room table. "Hm, that's right, you said that your shitty family wouldn't teach you how... fine, I'll teach you a few things," 

My eyes widened and attached to the short man's face as I felt my jaw drop. "Y-You mean that? Really?"

"I said yes, if I have to repeat myself I won't teach you," Levi threatened impatiently and awe filled my face, tears pooling into my eyes as a grin stretched across my lips. 

"Th-Thank you, Levi!"

And it was just like that, my adoration for Levi inflated. Levi was strong, smart, and quick on his feet. I did well to keep up with him and the others. But Levi was different from Farlan and Isabel. In the sense that I payed greater attention to his details. His skin was pale like the moon, and his eyes were grey like a raging thunderstorm. I noticed how all of his features seemed to blend together ever so smoothly, like the curve of his nose to his soft lips.

He was handsome. Much more than Sir Dabney. He may have been shorter than me by a couple of inches, but he was well proportioned in every area. His long arms and legs made him look taller than he really was. I began to wonder....Did Levi ever think of me in this way? Did he find me at all attractive? 

Thus our nightly routine began, Levi would teach me the letters and their sounds. Some stayed silent, some were sharper, some didn't even seem to belong... But surprisingly, Levi kept his patience with me, that is, unless I left a pen open on the table. 

Merde (Levi x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora