Chapter Seven: A sad goodbye

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Jade’s P.O.V.

Saying goodbye to Jayden is not as a hard as it used to be. At first when I was young I didn’t understand how he could just leave me, but as I’ve grown up, it has become the only freedom I have from him when he is away. I don’t have any rules except the main one, don’t reveal my true identity and be nice and do whatever the family tells me to. It’s a nice break from it.

“Now don’t forget,” he starts.

“Listen to Anna, try not to let Caleb figure out who I am and don’t miss you too much, I know Jay. Now hurry up please,” I finish.

“Why are you in such a rush for me to leave?” he raises an eyebrow.

“I’m not, it’s just I don’t want you to be late for the plane,” I say a little convincingly.

“For the last time, Anna wants to have morning tea before I leave, so I’ve got forever to wait.”

“Okay then hurry up lets get over there,” I saying picking up his bags and walking out the door.

“Wait, you wanna get over there? Now why is that?”

“No reason, I just want to see Anna,” I lie.


That name again. I haven’t been Anya forever, and I don’t really want to be her either. I never got to know the people who called me that. And now all I know it as now is that I am getting in trouble, a name that is feared and not treasured.

“You and Kyle aren’t together or hanging out are you?”

“No,” I lie.

In fact we are hanging out, we are hanging out a lot lately, we went to the movies and in between classes we held hands. We hung out, and it was fun and even stole some more kisses. It was the best week of my life and now we get to hang out more because I will be living under the same roof as him.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Jay, I just can’t wait to eat more of Anna’s cooking.”

With that we walked out the door and into his car before driving to Anna’s house.

“Hey how are you?” Caleb asked solemnly as we opened the door.

“Not too bad, but I can see your even more distraught today,” I laugh.

“Teasing me already, little sister,” he joked but I took a quick glance towards Jay. He was angry.

“Hey Jay, so are you excited?” he ask but I keep walking inside.

A hand grabs mine and pulls me into a room, “Hey Jade.”

“Hey Kyle,” I say.

“You sad?” he asks curiously.

“Maybe just a little, not as much as I used to be though,” I sigh.

“Could I help in any way?” he asks.

“Maybe, but I’m not sure if what you have in mind is a wise decision for why Jay is around,” I laugh.

“Hey Kyle,” Jayden says as we walk toward the lounge room.

“Hey bro,” he says and walks towards him.

“How’s school?”

“Yeah pretty good,” he replies.

I look at Caleb, I can see the hurt in his eyes, he really loves Jayden because he is like the brother he had never had and had always had. I feel sorry that Jay always comes home to me, and not to see his family. He is too busy looking out for me, looking after me, worrying about me for reasons that there is no need to be worried.

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