Chapter Two : Not as secret as I thought

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I wake just as the sun starts to rise. I normally can sleep into late but while camping, it’s almost impossible when the sun starts to shine into your eyes. There were no screams in the middle of the night that I’m aware of, so the girls should’ve had a good sleep.

I jump outside of my swag, and feel a slight wind brush against my skin. It gives me goose bump, and I shiver.

“Cold are you?” a voice says behind me.

I turn slowly around, “no, but that wind is a bit fresh isn’t?” I ask Jade.

“Tell me about it,” she sighs.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Nothing, I just couldn’t sleep all night,” she walks over a sits on a large log nearby. Her red hair floating in the wind but covering her face so I can barely see it. She looks up at me and catches me staring at her.

“What scared of the story?” I tease, the smile she was giving me quickly fading into a tight firm line.

“No I wasn’t scared,” she says violently, “and it isn’t a story, it’s a recount of Caleb’s life.”


“Caleb, he was one of the boys who was looked after by Alice,” she states confidently.

“How do you know?” I try to come off as this is the first time I’m hearing this information but I know it most likely isn’t working.

“Easy, the way he tells the story. He is attached to it personally; you can tell by the way she smiles when he talks about how life was good. When he tells you that the mother has died, he looks almost like he is in tears,” she states.

I look at her in shock. I’ve never really noticed how into the story he gets by using his facial expressions. But, Jade, saying that makes complete sense. He does smile and laugh even when he talks about his childhood, even if he only spent 3 years at the house, he still loved it.

He told me once that coming home with Alice into the house full of kids was one of the best experiences of my life. He made so many new friends, and actually had a life to look forward to, rather than one spent on the streets.

“Oh,” I don’t know what else to say. If I say anything else I could confirm her suspicions or just make it worse for myself by launching into some story he told me about years ago.

“Oh, that’s all you can say?” she laughs, “Wait, I don’t even know your name yet,” it was more of a question then a statement.

“Kyle. I’m Caleb’s older brother,” I say.

“Older brother? You guys look the same age and don’t even look alike. Wait scratch the look alike part,” she queries.  

“Yeah I’m older by a month, and I never let him forget it,” I smile.

“Oh, right cool. So you’re in Grade 10 this year?” she asks.

“Nope 11, what about you?” I ask.

“10,” she smiles.

“Coolies,” I say smiling.

“Coolies really Kyle, you’re going to go there?”

I laugh.

“You’re not flirting with Jade are you Kyle,” Caleb says coming and punching me in the arm.

Even if I was, she would go for Caleb anyway. With his blonde hair, blue eyes and amazing body, he has a girlfriend all the time. Whereas me, brown hair and green eyes and a scrawny body that no one really likes or wants.

“No we are just talking aren’t we Jade,” I laugh nervously. I sneak a look at Jade who has her head down.

“Yeah, I’ve got to pack my stuff up. Talk later Kyle,” she smiles slightly.

“Yeah see ya Jade,” I say with a little wave.

“Dude what was that about?” Caleb says.

“What do you mean?” I say.

“Dude she was flirting with you,” I hate when he says dude all the time, but he is my brother so I get used to it.

“Yeah so you come in and block me. Thanks little bro!” I grab him in a head lock and rough his hair up.

“No problem mate, that’s what I’m here for,” he laughs and fixes his hair, “Come on we better get these girls home.”

“Wait Caleb,” I say remembering what Jade told me.

“What?” he turns to face me.

“Um, your ‘story’, it might be starting to get a bit obvious how attached you are to it,” I say.

“How? What do you mean?” he looks worried.

“Well, Jade told me she knew you were a ‘son’ of Alice.”

He just nods and walks away to call our dad.

On the way home, Caleb isn’t his normal flirtatious self. I usually have to sit in the front seat because he wants to flirt with everyone but today he jumped in the seat before I had the chance to. So I ran to get the seat next to Jade. If I was going to suffer from sitting in the back seats with a bunch of girls who screamed all night, I was going to do it sitting next to the one girl who didn’t.

“Hello again,” I wink.

She just smiles and turns her head to look out the window. 


Can i get a total of 6 votes on my book and I'll update the next chapter tonight!!!

<3 Mikeala_Rulz

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