Chapter Four : Movie, Date??

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Chapter Four

“So what are we seeing?” Jade asks.

I couldn’t wait to see her again, I don’t know why considering I don’t really know her. The day after school finished, I texted her asking her what she was doing. She said she was bored and doing nothing so we decided we would go to the movies.

“Um, I don’t know. I was hoping you would decide,” I cringe.

She laughs, “so how many girls have you taken to the movies, Kyle?”

“Um, none. Why?” I’m confused as to why she would even ask that.

“So you don’t know what type of movies girls choose?”

“Um the same type as guys,” I am so confused. I know that they watch chick flicks too but I really actually don’t care what we watch. I just didn’t want to sit at home all day.

“Okay well I want to see that new movie Frozen,” she laughs. Okay then.

“Frozen?” I ask, “What’s that?”

“It’s a Disney movie,” she smiles.

I am really starting to love that smile. Every little flash I get of it, makes me want make her smile more.

“Okay then,” I say walking to the line-up.

We stand in line and she stares at me, “What?” I say.

“Nothing, it’s just cute that you would watch anything, including Disney,” she smiles.

“Do you actually want to see it, cause if you were just trying to prove a point we can actually watch whatever you want to,” I smirk.

“I actually want to see it, but I want you to be comfortable watching it too.”

“I’m actually all good with Disney movies, so it’s all good.”

“Awesome!” she smiles and turns back to her place in line.

I would be lying if I said that this wasn’t a date, it kind of was but I’m not sure if that’s the case of how she is seeing it or not.

We stay in the line until we get to the front, when she is called I walk over to the counter with her.

“What are you doing?” she asks with a frown on her face.

“Buying our tickets,” I say.

“Nope I’m good, I want to see this movie so I can afford to pay for my own ticket,” she states proudly.

“Two tickets please,” I say to the lady serving us.

Jade just glares at me, I don’t look over at her because it’ll crack me but I swear the glare is something I never want.

“Want anything to eat or drink?” the lady asks.

“Nope, Jade?” I say still not looking at her.

“Yes I’ll have a large popcorn and a large coke with two straws please,” she smiles.

The lady goes and gets what she orders and she turns to me, “bet you aren’t glad you paid now?”

“Actually I am, now I can eat your popcorn too,” I smile.              

The lady comes back and puts the orders through, “That comes to $26.”

I pay and walk towards the cinema, we take our seats. We were in the worst cinema, the seats were squished so close together that you were touching the person next to you, so I tried to move my legs so slightly so I didn’t touch her. I don’t want her to think that I’m trying to make a move on her.

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