Chapter Twenty-Three: The Third Date at the Water Park and a Confession? pt.2

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"What miss yumi lent them." Tiffany admitted

Audrey looked at her a little mad then calmed down. " I'll pass I don't wanna rely on these things. If hiro doesn't like them then too bad." Audrey said as the the pumps deflated.

Tiffany looked at her with a smile. "Yeah your way cuter like this audrey."

The boys sat down in their chairs waiting for the girls.

"This place looks really cool." Wasabi pointed out.

"Yeah I can't believe aunt cass thought of this right hiro?" Tadashi asked

Hiro agreed but his head was still in the clouds.

"Sorry we're late." Tiffany said

Fred was immensely excited.

"It's about time." Tadashi pointed out.

As they stared at the girls they were all in very nice swimsuits that it seemed like they were sparkling.

As they stared at the girls they were all in very nice swimsuits that it seemed like they were sparkling

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Fred played very close attention to kyanna and Beli

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Fred played very close attention to kyanna and Beli. While the other boys stared and just couldn't help but look at the girls. But hiro was amazed by audrey.

"Freddy your eyes have a very perverted look in them." Honey lemon pointed out

As Fred kept staring and the boys just stood amazed at the rest of the girls. Hiro approached audrey.

"Hey." He said.

"Yeah what?" Audrey asked

"You look really good in that swimsuit." Hiro pointed out.

"Thanks." Audrey said

"No thank you audrey." Hiro said

Audrey looked confused. "For what?"

Hiro grabbed her hand. " For coming with us. I was thinking back to when I yelled at you I'm sorry I didn't mean to flip out on you like that and I'm really glad you came." Hiro looked at audrey with a loving look in his eyes and a smile

Audrey looked at him and started looking down in embarrassment. "Get a room you two." Gogo said. They noticed that everyone was staring at them.

"What are you guys a bunch of shippers?!" Audrey yelled

Everyone smiled a bit and looked away.

"Okay so I was thinking that maybe we should pair off into groups so we can all have fun equally. So everyone grab partners and let's go." Tiffany said

Audrey stood with hiro and held his hand. Hiro saw and looked at her. Audrey looked at him with a look that said "you're my partner". Tiffany  noticed and smiled.

Honey paired up with tadashi. And gogo with wasabi. "Let's see some of us would be partner less so I say we should triple the pairings." Tiffany pointed out so she partnered up with Tadashi and Honey. And Nikki went with gogo and wasabi. Kyanna and Beli went over to Fred. "I guess your our partner then Freddy." Kyanna said happily. Fred was excited to be with both of them and almost didn't contain his happiness.

"What about you Cass?" Beli asked.

"Don't worry about me I'll get the food ready for all of us so please meet over at the tables in half an hour. The group agreed and all headed out to go have their fun leaving behind hiro and audrey.

"Come on audrey let's go have some fun." Hiro said but he looked at her and she had a puzzled look on her face. "Look hiro I'm gonna tell you something." Audrey said

"Ok then."

"I'm not really a good swimmer."


"So I want you to teach me how to swim."

"You really don't know?"

"Duh moron of course I don't so teach me."

"Of course I will."

They walked into the pool and saw everyone else. Nikki was moving side to side in the water. And Beli and Tiffany were having a race with each other. The girls noticed the pair and waved at them continuing their race.

"Tiff is a pretty good swimmer huh." Audrey pointed out

"Yeah maybe she should teach you." Hiro said.

"You dumbass I asked you for a reason."

"Ok fine give me your hands." Hiro smiled

Audrey did as instructed and put her body in the water.

"You better not let go of me."

"I promise I won't. Go ahead start kicking."

Audrey started kicking as she and hiro started moving in the water.

"Your doing a good job audrey." Hiro said

As she looked up she put her foot down in the water and slipped crashing into hiro. She put her arms around him being held up by him. As she hugged him she smiled. He held her as well and smiled.

"You did good."


"Wanna practice some more."


But little did they know someone was watching them.


Tiffany,Tadashi, and Honey were all going down the slide together and fell into the pool laughing.

"That was so much fun." Tiffany said

"Let's go again." Tadashi said

They heard yelling and saw Fred coming down and falling face first into the pool. The group laughed and smiled

"Freddy your not so good at this." Honey pointed out

"Shut up it was just a first try."

Then Kyanna came down next and fell into Fred making them both fall.

"That was so fun." Kyanna laughed

"Hey Kyanna what's the big idea." Fred yelled a bit

"I'm sorry Fred one more time." Kyanna said

The group agreed and started heading over to the slide. But kyanna's eye caught someone staring at something. She walked over to the person.


Beli jumped a little and turned to her friend.

"Oh hi kyanna."

Kyanna looked at her confused. And turned to see what she was staring at. To her surprise she saw hiro hugging audrey. "Why were you looking at those Two?"

"Um well I..." Beli stayed silent

"Beli come on tell me."

"Kyanna the truth is...

Kyanna looked at her with suspense.

"I... I like hiro."

Okay you guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think about beli's confession? And where do you think this will lead. See you guys next time.

The Prodigy and The Mega Bitch A Big Hero 6 X Huniepop FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora