Chapter 7 "The Last Child"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

I bursted into tears and felt the pain get worse. She was almost there! "GAAAAAHHHH!" I roared in pain. This was my last child. "PUSH!" The doctor yelled.
I did so. I heard the cries of new life, "It's alright. She's here." Zane~Senpai said. I got to hold her first. "She is so beautiful." She was as pale as Zane. She opened her eyes for the first time revealing innocent brown eyes, though tears were still shedding from them. I found it weird because River and Ian~Chan do not have brown eyes, they are "What is her name?" The doctor asked. I smiled at Zane~Senpai and looked back at the doctor, "Her name is Mia~Chan." Just then River and Ian opened the door and quickly ran over to me. "YES! I WANTED A GIRL!" River whisper/yelled. Ian~Chan looked bummed but happy at the same time. "M-mom, can I hold her?" River asked. I nodded and carefully handed her over. The little baby's bright pink ears gave me joy. Her hair was also as black as coal. Zane looked at me and smiled. River~Chan handed Mia back to me as the baby fell fast asleep.

Sorry guys, I know it was a short chapter. I am sorry I don't post that much but I've been busy with another book. Also, summer is here and I have a family to chill out with and friends to talk to. But, thanks for supporting me! I will only post on this book if I feel like it. I just feel like posting on this book is more of a chore sorry. But I hoped you enjoyed anyways. Bye-bye! -WillowAsh30

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