Chapter 3 "Try Outs"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

It's the kids first day of try outs for the track team and I am having a third child! I had not told them yet but Zane~Senpai knows. I was going to tell them after school. Also, there was a new kid joining the school. It's Aphmau~Senpai's son. It's funny because both of my kids are best friends with him so, they can work together to help Aden. Dante is now a father of Lucinda 's child...I never thought that would happen. They are now both dating.

Ian's POV

I saw River on the same track team as me. I waved and she frowned. We raced each other and she won. She won every match besides one, with some boy named Olive. He was the fastest one. Finally, at lunch we were told if we got on the team or not. They needed 4 girls and 4 boys, I know Olive made it.

River's POV

I got called to the gym. When I walked in, the gym teachers said I made it! I jumped up and down full of happiness. "Yay!" I screamed. Then, when I walked out of the room, my brother walked in. "Good luck!" I said to him. He winked back. I waited out the door...and then there he was shaking his head to me. He bursted into tears and fell into my arms. "I-I did n-not make it..." he shuddered. "Aw. That's okay! Maybe next time-" "-No. There won't be a next time." He walked off like he lost hope as I walked to Math class.

Kawaii~Chan's POV

The kids walked in the door. "Hey kids! Did you make it through try-outs?" Asked Zane~Senpai. River nodded as Ian slowly shook his head. "N-no," he shuddered. I looked away. "That's okay!" I said cheerfully, "Anyways, kids we need to talk. As a family." We all went to the dinner table where we usually sit and talk.

Ian's POV

I sat next to Mom and Dad sat nest to River. I looked at River and saw her click her finger nails to the table over and over. She seemed to know what was going on. "Alright. You know Mom and I love you right?" Dad asked us. River nodded. "Yeah. We know that. Why?" I asked. Mom cleared her throat, "Well, uh...your dad and I have to tell you that..." Mom squeezed his hand. "Your Mom is going to have a baby." I felt my heart pump hard. "WHAT?! WHY?! ANOTHER ONE?! IAN HAD TO TAKE MY PLACE AND NOW WE ARE BOTH GONNA BE IGNORED?!" River stood up. "River, calm down. It won't ruin your life." Mom said calmly. "NO! THIS IS NOT OKAY. I CANNOT HANDLE ANOTHER BR-" Dad interrupted, "RIVER! WE DID NOT SAY WE WERE HAVING A BOY!!!" River looked down embarrassed and then sat down. "Oh." River looked at her hands and then back at Dad, "Sorry."  We all had a small talk and then we ate dinner.

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