Chapter 6 "Kawaii~Chan's news part-2"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

"The baby is a girl!!!" I heard River give a sigh of relief, "THANK GOD!!!" She ran into her room screaming with joy. I turned and saw Ian groaning, "What's wrong Ian?" I asked. He moaned, "I already have to deal with one drama queen. Why another?" Before I could say something he went in his room and shut the door tight. "Ugh. Well, at least River is not throwing a fit." Zane~Senapi shrugged. "So any thoughts of what to name her???" Zane shook his head, "No. I don't really know any good girl names." I saw River slam her door open, "GIRL NAMES? OH I HAVE A LIST OF GIRL NAMES!!!" She stacked a pile of papers on the dinner table, "Um...excuse me?" Zane asked. "Mmk...the first one I came up with is Mia," "Well, that's a very nice-" River interrupted me, "Then Rylee, Rose, Amy, Ivy...Sara? Oh and, Olivia!" She smiled. I looked at Zane~Senpai and then, back at my cheerful daughter. "Well, dear...that was very nice to give me suggestions...but I need time to think about that...Thanks anyways." I started to feel stressed. I just had too many baby names to think about like, Zara, Nicky, Iris. More than just three. "Sweetie thanks a lot but, your mother and I are just.." Zane thought of a word, "stressed?" I nodded at him. "I agree with your mom, give us time," Zane added.
River turned around and silently went back to her room. "Zara?" Zane asked me. I shrugged.

Zane's POV

The name Zara made me remember one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. I was mad at Laurence at the time because his loud texting sounds kept me awake all night! After that, I planned my revenge on him at the New Years party like five years ago...and acted like I was a girl named, Zara. Garroth was protecting me from ruining Laurence's day. I dressed as a girl and went to the party....I came back to the president and got the shivers. "Not that name..." I told myself, "I don't like that name..." then I walked away.

Thanks guys for reading it was a short chapter because I am feeling lazy. But thanks anyways. Plz help me pick a girl name that will be due on the May 27, 2017. I am sorry for not giving you much time but thanks anyways. Bye!!!! -WillowAsh30

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