Ch. 23 Spearpoint Part 5

Start from the beginning

Elec Man felt something twinge in his head.

"If you think that will make us leave, you're very wrong." The man replied.

"Try again, and greater force will be used."

The people prepared to step forward.

Elec Man suddenly leapt from his position. He landed between a guard and a man in the crowd. The guard had been prepared to strike.

There was an awkward, silent tension as everyone watched in shock.

Elec Man turned slowly to the guards. "I won't allow you to hurt any of these people."

One, who seemed to have grown especially confident, stepped forward. "And what do you plan to do? We know about the laws of robotics, machine. We know that you can't hurt us. What do you think you can do if you're not allowed to harm people?"

Elec Man said nothing at first. He only wiggled a finger and hoped.

A spark formed on the end of his hand.

A grin spread across his face, and he stood to full height, holding both arms out with energy crackling full power across them. He finally spoke.

"You need to reread law one, my friend." Then he let loose.


Author note: For those of you who don't know, there are the Asimov three rules of robotics. These rules basically are considered a moral code for robots with fully functioning AI to follow, which are that robots cannot harm humans, they must follow orders unless they will harm a human, and they will protect their own existence unless they will harm a human or defy orders. The first law, however, also includes the fact that robots cannot allow humans to come to harm due to inactivity.


Dr. Light wasn't paying much attention to Oil Man's communication over his communication set. He was occupied as he worried about Rock and pondered about Tempo back in Light Labs. Oil Man was busy getting ready to infiltrate the building where the Emerald Spears were based, information he had successfully gathered from the member he had...interrogated.

Oil Man could sense the distress Light was experiencing, and so he tried to make him feel better. "Honestly, guy talked a lot sooner than I was expecting. I figured I was gonna have to up the threats like at least twice before he spilled anything."

"I'm sure, Oil Man." Light replied, still concerned as he studied Rock to see if he could find any important visible effects. However, without access to all of his electronic equipment, it would be difficult to find much.

Meanwhile, Oil Man crouched in a tree outside the building, looking at its main entrances and exits. He watched as some of the guards stepped towards the side of the building.

"Can't talk now. Got an opening." He quickly communicated before dropping from the branches and dashing for his opening. He ducked behind a wall and waited. After a few moments, confident that he was in the clear, he made his way stealthily through the building. His dark coloring and slick design made him ideal. He was quiet and smooth, able to give almost no sign of anywhere he had traveled.

After traveling for a while, he found an air vent, which he popped the grate from and slipped through (considerably easy, thanks to his oily surface).

He removed another grate and stepped out onto a balcony high above a room full of various machinery. Most seemed to be advanced weaponry, but stashed in the back of the room was a large machine with several cables and lights. It was bizarre for Oil Man to see a machine actually functioning. It hummed quietly, and as he moved along the balcony closer to it, he began to feel strange and weak.

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