1 - My Power

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I landed lightly behind the police officer, waiting for him to turn around and see me. When he did turn around, he jumped at least three feet in the air from the surprise, a measurable accomplishment for a man of his girth. "Hello, Sir." I said in a whispery voice. "My name is Ever. Can you help me?"

His hand grasped for his gun, which I had stolen an hour ago. "Wh-what are y-you?" His voice was thin from fear, which I could understand. I had changed my appearance until I looked like a supernatural being. I had completely silver eyes that were glowing, silver hair that floated (literally) around my pale white face, and wings with razor sharp silver feathers.

"I'm Ever Star." He kept reaching and searching for his gun. "Ah, ah, ah. We don't shoot people for no reason in the civilized world." I held his gun up. "Then again, I'm not civilized." I smiled, showing off my pointed teeth. "But I will give you one guess on what I am. Here's a hint: if you guess wrong, you die!"

His face paled considerably. "Ar-are you an angel? I'm sorry that I haven't been going to church, but I'll do anything if you'll just let me live. Please!"

I laughed at the very thought of being an angel. "Wrong answer." I tossed the gun behind me into the swamp. "And I couldn't care less about you going to church. Really. I'm a super hero, without the super part. My name is Ever, a member of the Omnium. No one but you has seen this face and survived. Oh, wait. You're dead."

I twisted my hand, freezing him from the heart out, also killing him instantly. Laughing, I burned my name into the squad car. Ever. What a beautiful name. Everything, every. I launched myself into the sky, my silver wings vanishing as my silver eyes turned to normal blue eyes, my hair turned a golden blond, and my skin turned from white to a pale tan.

I flew around for a while, looking for the rock cliff by the river. There were no boats around, so I let a microscopic bit of raw power tickle the rock face; causing the rock to vanish, leaving a doorway. I flew in and landed in the tunnel as the rock wall closed. I sensed that right then a boat rounded the curve of the river. Good thing my aunt wasn't with me or she would criticize me for being hazardous to the health of the Omnium. Yeah, right. She could blow that boat out of the water with a flick of her hand, killing all in it in a "boating accident."

I headed down through the tunnel, wondering for the thousandeth time why a cave in the middle of Colorado was never discovered by anyone but the Omnium. Aunt River said that it was because no one but us had a guy with the power to cloak the cave so that no one but the Omnium saw it and everyone else dug around it.

After twenty minutes of wandering through the tunnel, I came out in a cement room where my Aunt River was waiting. "Ever! You're late! Illusion, Element, Not and Spring are already in the meetimg room. Director and Change are getting annoyed with waiting for you, the leader of Optimus."

My mind went blank as I tried to remember what this meeting was for. We had too many. Then it clicked. "Oh, no!" I dashed off down the hall to the meeting room. This was for the Big Mission that my team had been picked for over all the other Beta teams. The biggest honor ever bestowed to a Beta team, and I was late!

"Have fun, darling!" Called my aunt. Thanks alot.

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