002- "A Suicide waiting to Happen"

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The floors are wet, the breeze is warm, it's summer but why do i feel so cold?

Is it because of the blood that i'm losing? No, it can't be, i can feel it, it's warm and now it's embracing my fragile body.

I'm so sick of this world, it's so harsh, or was i weak? But i know i did my best, i lived into other's expectations, so that i can belong here, but why do you make me feel like an unwanted being? A trash?

Am i that useless? Am i that dumb for you?

All your curses, your harsh words, your wish.

I made it happen.

Dose of Aches (Poetries)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ